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dyrk was yapping away too much that he didn't expect to be met by yoongi's gush of power that blew him off his feet 

"oh so that's how we are going to play huh? i play this game every well"

dyrk sneered at yoongi and they began to throw powers at each other but yoongi was at the losing side because dyrk is converting his powers to his and using against yoongi which made him weaker 

seokjin saw this and began to help out 

"no! don't! he will take your powers and use it for his!" 

yoongi warned but then seokjin did not stop and helped out in attacking and defending the both of them 

"if i'm going to die, i'm going to die saving my brothers who have been by my side for a really long time" 

seokjin said which made yoongi so touched that he was almost crying but he couldn't cry right now in a battle 

understanding where his hyung is coming from, he didn't give up and continued to try and give attacks to dyrk as he is absorbing their powers 

little did dyrk know, only the person with the powers know what to do 

so even if dyrk is collecting their powers and using it against them, it is weakening him in the process but without him knowing it at all 

the battle between the two of them escalated really quickly that dyrk managed to get hold enough of seokjin's power and weakened him 

namjoon saw it happening and began to also help out but pushed seokjin away to stop him from battling dyrk now that his powers are at risk 

having powers at risk can make gods weak for a long period of time and as seokjin is a weather god, he will be greatly affected and spring will be different 

it will also take a longer time for him to recover so it's best if seokjin sits out for now and kill the weaker ones 

however, no one knew where thanatos went 

turning his head, yoongi spotted thanatos approaching y/n and seemed like he was casting a spell on her so with every last bit of power in him, he used them all up on pushing thanatos away from his lover

"jimin! can you help me and protect y/n? namjoon and i have to kill dyrk first before we can reach him" 

yoongi shouted at jimin who was just right behind him but because of the noise, it took a longer time to go through the message 

once jimin got the message, he rushed to be by y/n and tried to wake her up before thanatos could crawl back on his feet 

it didn't take long before thanatos did stand back up on his feet and the both of them began to fight 

"you puny little god. think that you can beat me? oh you're so weak!" 

thanatos sneered at jimin but nothing could break him down as the only thought in mind is to protect his loved ones, even his hyung's lover 

but, jimin was defeated almost before he could cast a spell at thanatos as he used a power which weakens the victim 

crouching in pain, all the defences jimin made all came crashing down and now, many gods were all helping out to stop thanatos from reaching y/n but in the process of stopping thanatos, it wasn't easy as many are getting weaker and now, everyone fears that what happened in the past will happen again 

as the gods are trying to stop thanatos from reaching y/n, the fairies are all fighting against his men but it isn't easy considering how much men he has collected so far 

though many have died in the battle, everyone were all proud that the fairies are still able to continue fighting thanatos and not give up 

groaning, y/n finally woke up from being unconcisous but that isn't going to stop thanatos from reaching her 

dead or alive, thanatos wants her to be in his arms so that he could get her powers in one way or another 

y/n looked around her surrounding and found herself being protected by many gods but knew just what to do and helped in attacking thanatos with her new found power and as the powers of an ice fairy 

"y/n! stop! you can't be fighting now!" 

eliza shouted at her the moment she saw her daughter fighting and defending herself along with the other gods 

approaching her, y/n had tears running down her face because she just saw her lover getting physically beaten and a power coming his way so she couldn't just sit aside and watch hell happen 

"this is the gods fight against thanatos so we can't disturb them. instead, they would also want you to rest instead of fighting as dyrk was the one that knocked her unconscious 

thankful for the other minor gods, they helped in defeating dyrk and it killed him after so many takes 

although the fight between dyrk, yoongi, seokjin and namjoon has weakened dyrk, the final fatal blow was done by the smaller gods 

things were going well and their way for now and the only one that is felt is thanatos 

how much longer do the gods have to continue before he is dead again?  

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now