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after yoongi placed a small peck on y/n's forehead, his sassy part of the mind began to scream at the lovesick part of the mind

'are you crazy?! how are you so sure that my boy yoongi is in love with her! the feelings are not yet confirmed! how dare you ruin their friendship!'

the sassy part of him turned angry and began so ling the other part of his mind

'then what can i say. it is so obvious that MY boy yoongi has fallen for her. just look at the way he looks at her, starts to make the effort to wait for her and it wasn't me that told him to go and find her and go to the cafe with her every morning!'

the lovesick side of him screamed back and yoongi cannot take this anymore because this only makes things worse and having many small fights in his mind because of this dilemma he has with himself

knowing that his friends are the best person as of right now to consult, he transported himself back to heaven to ask his friends for help and also ask about the progress of trying to take down thanatos again

to yoongi, it was quite weird to have thanatos appear and the next moment, he went missing, probably because he has gone into hiding to find his team to bring and take down the gods as part of his revenge

teleporting back to heaven, he saw that no one was at sight, the only thing that was seen was the clean tables and chairs

that was because it is already night time in heaven, just that the colour of the sky never changes, only the time and by now, yoongi is sure that most of his friends have gone to sleep and 1 or 2 still awake because they are searching for sources to defeat thanatos

going to each of their rooms, he saw that taehyung and namjoon are still awake, trying to find the sources of thanatos's whereabouts and more informations

yoongi knocked on the door, alerting the two gods who are deep in research and when yoongi knocked on the door, they jumped in shock as they both did not expect anyone to be up at this hour

"y-yoongi hyung! what are you doing at this time? i thought it was already night time in the human world so you should be sleeping right now, right?"

taehyung stuttered in shock to see that yoongi has came up to find them and that they were also not notified of his presence which gave them a shock

"well, come in first hyung! we found a few things that are linked to thanatos and we know who let him out already! close the door behind you so that others will not get disturbed and get woken up"

namjoon whisper-shouted to yoongi, and he does so, closing the door behind him when he entered the room

then, they start discussing about the information extracted from almost everywhere they could find and turns out, thanatos helper, dyrk that was supposedly dead because after the long battle, he was the first one to be killed between him and thanatos

while dyrk was killed, thanatos was sent to hell and was locked for a long time but how on earth dyrk appeared was a big mystery because all the gods were sure that his soul was also being burnt into ashes, along with his body who that was what made them question this a lot

"we never did anything to dyrk's ashes right? but i thought we hid them at a faraway place where thanatos will not be able to reach to revive his soul using his powers?"

yoongi asked and they three began to think more about it

"ah hyung! i cannot think any longer! let's rest for now can we hyung?"

taehyung said, breaking the silence they all have and due to his begging, namjoon finally gave in because it was namjoon that was the one that kept on persisting to carry on with the investigation

"so hyung. why are you here? you rarely come here unless it has to do with something that happened in the human world or is it because of the human girl?"

namjoon asked which made taehyung's ears perk up and also want to join the conversation

"about the human girl? who is she? you never told us her name at all though... it's alright! is she pretty? how long have you known her? does she bother you until you can't stand her? is she-"

"omg taehyung! shut it! and yes i haven't told you anything about her because i was in a rush to find out who released thanatos and rushed back to check on her because she was harassed by him ok?!"

yoongi shut taehyung as he was asking too many questions which made him a bit pissed by the never ending questions taehyung have

"so her name is y/n and apparently, she stays at the building where most of the fairies stay at and if i am not wrong, she is one of the rare humans that stay in there because to allow the fairies to blend in with the humans, they have this building that most of the fairies are staying but there are only a few units are sold off to the humans. her favourite thing to do is to watch the kids play at the playground everyday and basically watch kids and adults have fun. i think it's because she didn't have much memories as a child because the way she looks at kids are so loving when they are having fun playing around together. she is also a very big eater and eats at least 4 times a day because she needs her snack time and drinks, drinks about 6 times everyday because she said that the hot drinks she has is very refreshing in a sense. her favourite drink is hot chocolate, i don't know why and her favourite place to eat her snacks is at any café near her apartment building there and practically at any cafes she sees. her-"

"woah woah woah! yoongi hyung! i think you are in love with her! you could just read a whole information chart about her and it feels like you are practically with her 24/7 just by the way you talk!"

namjoon stopped yoongi because at this rate, he knows that yoongi will be stating unnecessary things about her and they mat or may not be needed for their investigation

well, mostly not needed but at the mention of y/n, yoongi could least out almost every single thing he knows about y/n and it will never end

"namjoon hyung! i think, yoongi hyung came up to here to ask us about help because he is in love with y/n"

taehyung not-so-loudly whispered to namjoon which cause the two of them to giggle and laugh while yoongi was looking kind of offended by their giggles to taehyung's statement

"ok fine! i came up here to ask you what the hell is wrong with me whenever i am with her! like why does my heart feel so fast, like isn't it supposed to be cold? then why is it like becoming really fast? like it's beating very fast and like two parts of my mind are fighting each other like whether or not to hold her hand when we are walking at night and stuff. i just... really don't know what's wrong with me"

yoongi said as when he said the first part, he stood up abruptly but once he was done, he slumped down onto the floor in confusion swirling around his mind, not knowing what to do and all

taehyung and namjoon are equally shocked to see how frustrated yoongi is because most of the things that so-called bothered him, he is able to deal with them

this is the first time in history, the winter god is frustrated over this thing that they never really got before— love

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now