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hoseok decided to accompany y/n and help her with unpacking her stuffs but he didn't know that something unexpected would happen

hoseok swung the door open and lead y/n in but his eyes fell onto a bag that seemed so small, yet so big

questions started to fill his head, his eyebrows started to furrow and he could not hold himself back from asking y/n anymore

"y/n, tell me the truth. you are a fairy right? more specifically, the winter fairy"

hoseok said which caused her eyes to widen and quickly snatch the bag and hid it behind her back

"w-what are you talking about? m-me, a fairy? no way!"

y/n stuttered and also faked laughed after what he said but seeing how she has gotten no response from him, she decided that maybe it's time for her to reveal who she really is

"you're right. i'm the winter fairy"

y/n whispered seeing how hoseok seemed so sure that she is the winter fairy and she knows that no matter what, hoseok will not let her go if she doesn't tell him the truth

"wait really? i've been finding the winter fairy for so long! i've always wanted to find the winter fairy because i heard that she is one of the rarest fairy as she was given birth to, not made from elders"

y/n smiled shyly as she has gotten recognition once again but this time, with someone she can say that she is quite familiar with

soon, they started to chat while unpacking and y/n grew very conformable with him and didn't feel the need to shy away herself from the guys

but their happiness didn't last when they learn yoongi's shouting downstairs and they knew that it is for sure, something bad has happened which caused yoongi to burst out in anger

"kim namjoon! look what you have done!!"

the roaring of yoongi's voice has very loud and they rushed out of the room to see namjoon's head hanging low in guilt, jimin and taehyung were behind him in freeze motions and their freezes actions was the both of them chasing each other

from that, y/n assumed that namjoon was trying to stop jimin and taehyung from running about but when she shifted her gaze to look at the mess on the ground, she sighed and could understand yoongi's anger

together with hoseok, they both witnessed the scene with sighs and from nmajoon's stutter, they both now that he is really afraid of yoongi so before yoongi could do or say anything, she decide to break the silence by asking them what is happening

luckily, that worked and from the porch of the second level, they both walked down and silence filled the air

"i'm repeating myself one last time. what happened here and jungkook, can you go and turn off the fire if not the whole house will be burnt down"

this time, y/n decided to take matters into her hands seeing how no one wants to say anything and jungkook timidly went back into the kitchen and peeped from the kitchen to also see what's going to happen next

"i- um... i accidentally tripped over yoongi's white carpet and made the tea table topple and b-but i swear! i didn't mean to! i-i didn't see that the carpet wasn't even so i tripped over it trying to stop jimin and taehyung from running around"

namjoon spoke up and y/n went to pick up the items on the carpet up and quietly asked seokjin and hoseok fro help to put the tea table pack in place as she picks the items on the ground and places it on the table

"now yoongi. what are you mad at that you want to scream at namjoon?"

y/n questioned while she is folding the once neat clothes and hoseok, together with seokjin, joined her in cleaning up the items

while hoseok and y/n placed everything back in place, seokjin went to sweep up the broken glassware on the carpet and some small bits that were on the floor

"i wanted to scream at him for toppling down the tea table and also causing the mess. the white carpet is really expensive so i was afraid of the white carpet spoiling because of namjoon's trip"

yoongi quietly responded and y/n looked up to him and smiled

"now i wasn't you guys to apologise to one another. i'm also not forgetting you two over there. jimin and taehyung, promise us that you will not run around in the house because of the furniture wise. namjoon apologise to yoongi for toppling the tea table over and messing up the area. yoongi, apologise to namjoon for shouting at him. i know what yo guys are doing but yoongi, next time, do not raise your voice unless if it is something really important and namjoon, let's be much more careful to also not injure others and ourselves"

y/n said and by then, she is done arranging the stuffs

"now get back to doing your things! seokjin and yoongi, go and help out jungkook who is still in the kitchen. i'm afraid that he'll burn down something. as for the three of you, you guys want to clean up for a bit more then head out to play instead? how about the entrance we cam in by. that area looks big enough for you three to play in"

just by hearing her words, everyone got busy and y/n headed up to her room with hoseok to continue to unpack her things

the packing took quite quick because of the guys help but for unpacking, it seemed so difficult to place things at the correct places but as they were doing so, y/n heard hoseok chuckle behind her

"you know y/n, if you weren't there to stop yoongi and namjoon, this will never end until the next day approaches"

amused, y/n asked why would that happen when there are the other guys around but his reply made her stun

"oh that's the reason. the guys and i are too used to it so we know that it'll end sometime later, for example, until the next day then they'll somehow make up for it. to us, the quarrels and all happens all the time so we're used to it"

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now