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the server at the counter apartment was in disbelief to see that a man with pale, white skin was at the porch of the apartment

'he looks very familiar and also very non-human like. is he the winter god?'

the server questioned herself because it may be her eyes that are deciphering her and that she is a human that is friends with the fairy realm

as she was about to whip her phone out to take a picture of him, he has already left with y/n and saw how y/n was happily tugging onto him, making him smile really big

'damn it i missed the chance! i should still inform her mother about it. being the only daughter of the original winter fairy, she must be worried, cornered and curious of her daughter's one and only friend

texting y/n's mother about it, she was instantly replied with a message saying that y/n's mother refuses to believe that the server has probably just witnessed y/n together with the winter god because according to her mother, there was no progress in finding the winter god

'ah. you don't have to worry about anything. i told y/n to try and get a picture of her with him and send it to me. from there, i will know if her friend is really the winter god or not. i think that your eyes are probably playing tricks on you because the winter god does not like to socialise and interact with anyone and is always alone almost all the times, except for the times he is with his friends' was what y/n's mother said to the server

sighing, the server compiled to her and tried her best to push that thought of y/n with the winter god to the back of her head, where she will most likely forget about it

in case if you are wondering who is the server and how she is very close to the fairies back in the fairy realm, she is the semi-protector of every fairy that came from the fairy realm and they are only allowed to stay in this particular apartment building as it is meant for only fairies but there are a few humans staying in there

the server is also in charge of providing any human good into the fairy realm to support the humans staying there, for example, y/n's father who is a human staying in the fairy realm with the permission he got from the elder fairies

slumping her head into her hand, she continued her day with guarding the other minor fairies that are staying here and to ward off any dangers that will bring harm to them

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now