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during dinner time, silence filled the air and no one said anything

y/n wanted to break the silence but she was kind of afraid that things will go wrong and thus, no one spoke to anyone about anything

finally after so long, y/n got something to break the silence

"um... the food, it's really good! i really like it a lot!"

y/n broke the silence with that and slowly, the rest of the guys started to talk to one another but the awkwardness in the air was still there

the guys must have noticed it and also quickly finished their food and left to their rooms and y/n was sighing as she felt that her efforts have been washed in vain

all the guys started to leave except for hoseok who saw how down y/n looks and comforted her on the way up to her room

the both of them joked around which caused y/n to smile once again but one things she didn't notice was how yoongi looked at the both of them

the next day came and all of a sudden, she felt that the awkwardness in the air was gone when she stepped out of her room as she was greeted with laughters that filled the whole house

hoseok was right about what he said that the argument will end and that they will feel as though nothing has happened before

but before she left the room, she made sure to change into her fairy form as her wings started to become a little stiff and she needed to change into her fairy form so that she feels comfortable in both fairy and human form

but when she is in the midst of getting used to her fairy form, which means that she is flying around the room in that form, hoseok unexpectedly walked in because he was called to ask her down for breakfast

"oh my god! is that your fairy form? you look so small and tiny in that!!"

hoseok squealed but y/n signalled to the door and he knew what that meant, which is to close and lock the door so that no one else will walk in and see y/n in that form

"are you the daughter of the winter fairy?"

hoseok asked and she nodded her head and hoseok not-so-softly hugged her tiny form which made her wings hurt a lot from the pressure of the hug

"hoseok!! my wings hurt!! kept me change into my human form first! give me a moment!!"

y/n's voice rang into his ears as she is very close to his ears and because of the shock, hoseok quickly let her go and jumped in shock

"oh my god! i forgot that fairies can do this! please do remind me if that's going to happen again. i think my eardrums are going to be broken"

hoseok said as y/n shouted into his ear and hoseok was over-exaggerating it as it wasn't so loud and while he is checking if his ears are still working, y/n changed into her human form

"so, why did you come up and find me?"

y/n asked as she began to pack her stuffs to clean and hide every single evidence of her being a fairy into the drawers

destroying evidence, that's what people say

y/n has to "destroy" evidences because she was afraid that the others would find out about her true identity

"oh i called you because breakfast is ready and it was me that came up because i was afraid that the other will find out so this is me trying to protect your real identity"

hoseok said with a beaming smile on his face and they're both ready to head down to have breakfast together with the rest

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now