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seeing seokjin at their door and him falling unconscious, everyone knows that things are not going very well 

taking in him, yoongi headed out to check if there's any intruders anywhere around them or have seen seokjin falling at the doorstep 

unfortunately, he found nothing except for a small shadow at a very far distance and since it was already late at night, he didn't feel like checking what that was so he formed a layer of ice protection around the house 

the disadvantage here is that jungkook will be shivering non stop so he will be wrapped up in many layers of blankets and jackets to keep warm 

seeing seokjin like that makes them all worried about him but as everyone are all checking up on him, eliza took y/n away for a while and told her about her needing to start practicing her powers 

"but... i don't think i can do this. what if i... do something wrong as i am not able to control it and what if it actually harms others? i can't forgive myself if that ever happens so please i don't know what this powers can do" 

she told her mother and it was obvious, based on the look on her face that she is very scared as she doesn't know what else to do but to convince her daughter to start trying out the powers 

after a long time of negotiating and convincing with her daughter, y/n finally agreed and they then spent the entire night that that corner trying to work out her powers 

it wasn't so easy but after a while, y/n was able to get the basics like throwing things at people, targeting them from afar and throwing at them, stuffs like those to defend herself if there was a battle 

time flew by so fast and it was already 11 in the morning where the guys have started waking up and finding out that they have been sleeping for a very long time 

"where's eliza and y/n?" 

jimin yawned, stumbling as he tried to walk to the kitchen with his blurry eyes, not being able to navigate where he's going 

searching around the house for a long time, they finally found y/n and eliza at a corner, sleeping and they guessed that they fell asleep but without themselves noticing that 

shaking them gently, they woke the two women who were laying on the door, sleeping in a very comfortable position but the looks on their faces are stress only 

the guys decided to wake them up so that they can sleep at a proper place while they start to wash up and make breakfast for all 9 of them 

it wasn't an easy thing to do when namjoon will always be messing something up even when it is as simple as peeling the skin of a small baby carrot pulled out from a warm backyard hidden somewhere in their house 

it is really amazing how fairies can have so many cool things in their small little house but things will turn into messes because of the guys crackheadness and clumsiness 

an hour, followed by another and they are finally done with the cooking which made yoongi really pissed because there were some avoidable mistakes made, which can be avoided and it caused them to cook for 2 hours 

by then, everyone are all awake and eliza continued coaching y/n on her control over her powers which makes seokjin happy to see them and is proud of how fast the progress is 

"alright guys! let's dive into the food!" 

jungkook screamed and immediately took spoonfuls of every dish they have made 

everyone praised one another for the delicious food and the hot food certainly did warm up jungkook's body under the cold protective layer of ice around the house 

"so, seokjin. you said that thanatos is coming right? what do you mean by that?" 

immedaitely, seokjin placed his cutleries down and went ahead to close all the windows, and even curtains 

everyone watched his every action, knowing that what he will be mentioning later on is important and that everyone should be kept quiet about it 

"i heard from my partner which is the spring fairy that there's someone in the fairy realm that's sending messages to thantos and telling him about the progress y/n has made etc. the thing is that, no one has found about that betrayer and it seems to be someone who is living around you guys. she told me that the fairy is always almost around you guys and trying to get as many information of you guys. i've also heard about her taking pictures of you guys making the potion for y/n to drink and by now, i think thanatos is coming very soon" 

seokjin said which shocked everyone 

never in history there have been anyone who will betray the fairy realm and work for thanatos so this is the first in history 

but speaking of that, no one knows who that is right? 

"actually, yesterday when i was looking around to see if there's anyone outside other than seokjin, i spotted a shadow quite far away but didn't chase it because i thought that it was better to take care of seokjin hyung. and turns out, there is a betrayer so i think that the shadow i saw is the betrayer" 

yoongi told everyone after they were sitting in silence, thinking about what will be best to do now that they are running short of time 

"what do you suggest we do then?" 

jimin asked quietly, not knowing what else to say and what else to do 

they all know that they have to train and get ready for battle but isn't it better if they try and buy more time so that y/n can get to a safer place 

thinking more about what they should be doing, with a snap of fingers, eliza made all the dishes fly to the sink and leaving it there to wash later on 

"mom omg! how many times do i have to tell you that i can wash it for you? we don't need to trouble the guys as they have done so much for us and it is now our turn to do something for them while they probably plan out something as we wash the dishes" 

y/n said and walked to the sink, turning on the water and starting to wash the dishes 

reluctant as eliza wanted y/n to train more on her new powers, she dragged her feet to the sink and began washing with her daughter while the guys start to discuss ways to buy more time for them 

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now