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everyone started to talk about finding ways to save y/n but eliza and y/n were quiet the whole time 

without any words being said, eliza walked to where the potions are being created and are fermenting at the moment and uncovered the cover in which y/n used to hide evidences of it 

"we've actually already been working on it. it's just that we don't know if we should tell you or have you guys to find out the solution on your own. i know that we should have told you guys but i am very concerned about my daughter's safety so i can't risk it to tell you guys" 

eliza said when she saw how upset the guys are and the look of betrayal and disappointment on the looks of their faces 

"gosh eliza! you seriously had to make me walk through the hallway of curse and barely made it alive although i am a god just to be able to reach the books which holds those information" 

taehyung groaned and fell back onto the backrest of the chair, rethinking his life decisions as it is said that even the hallway of curse is the most dangerous place in hell and not everyone makes it out alive 

there were also some tales where gods and devils can't make it out there alive so they will die in there and disappear, making everyone forget that such a god have existed 

such things are one of the most scariest things that can scare a god but everyone knows that to reach those books that contain so much sacred information, they will have to go through a lot 

upon hearing what taehyung has just said, everyone was in shock as they least expected that there's where the books can be held 

"it's now shifted to the chamber of locks? i thought that it was in the most hidden part of hell's library with the three-headed dog guarding it?" 

jimin asked, concerned about what he has gone through as he have not mentioned anything about walking though the hallway of curse 

that was the reason why when taehyung came back from hell, he was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately after hitting the bed 

jungkook and hoseok who sat beside taehyung patted his shoulders, in a way that they are thanking him for going though so much to save a fairy and yoongi's first lover 

"i think i really need to rest now. after going though all those, i really need a break now. can someone show me the way to the guest room so i can sleep for a while?" 

taehyung yawned and stumbled as he was standing up on his feet, trying to get to his feet when he stumbled and almost fell, having everyone to reach out their hands to hold him from falling 

it was definitely not an easy thing to do so his body is going though a lot at the moment, thus requiring a lot of sleep and naps so that he can go back to normal and he can get around 

eliza lead him to the guest room, leaving y/n with the guys and they sat in silence for a while 

it was awkward as things don't seem like it's going well with the investigations and all 

suddenly, the door burst open and there was a human size seokjin at the door, panting as it seems like he has been running a lot 

"eliza? i'm here!" 

seokjin screamed and approache his friends and hugged them, greeting them in a bro like hug 

"i'm so sorry i came late. i got some things to deal with back in the human world with the spring fairy. things are not going so well at the moment with the humans so it is very chaotic as of right now." 

seokjin sighed and slumped into the chair taehyung once sat in and seokjin was handed a glass of water from y/n 

raising the cup in his hand, it was a sign to say 'thank you' as he is way to tired to verbally communicate with anyone after running what seems like miles from earth to the fairy world 

"so... did i miss anything?" 

seokjin said after he have caught back his breath and was no longer panting 

the guys and y/n slowly updated on him on what they were talking about while seokjin is sipping on the water and making expressions with his eyes 

"have you started eating the potion?" 

seokjin asked quietly and that was what everyone wanted to ask her but is way too scared to do so 

y/n shook her head and they heaved a sigh of relief they have been holding for a long time 

"don't take it first alright? you need to take it after fermenting it for about a week or more then it is considered safe to take. if you take it now, immediately after making or less than a week, drastic things will happen to your body and it may affect yoongi too so please take it after a week. at the moment, we will try to stop thanatos as much as possible so please be careful alright?" 

seokjin said and she nodded, head hanging low as she has no idea what to do 

seokjin then stood up and walked to the kitchen, placing the cup he once used into the basin and walked towards the direction of the guest room, pointing and mouthing to ask if eliza and taehyung are in there 

when he entered, they could see eliza arranging the bed around him, trying to make him as comfortable as she can and seokjin placed a kiss on taehyung's hair before bowing at eliza and leaving the room 

"i will have to make my way back to earth as blossom has caught a signal of negative energy so i have to help her. i will take my leave now, so bye everyone" 

seokjin said and left, while everyone was curious of how he knew how to exit the small door for fairies into human size so he can leave 

they don't question it however, and they go back to discussing once eliza is contempt about the comfortableness taehyung is in 

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now