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as they were planning, there was a suspicious knock on the door making them look towards that direction and everyone started to question how whoever out there is able to get pass the ice layer of protection 

without further ado, yoongi began to use his powers, strengthening the layer of ice around them and pushing the intruder out of the layer 

from the window, they saw nancy being pushed out of the protective layer and seokjin knew immediately that that was the intruder and the betrayer 

gasping, he pointed at her figure with mouth wide open, in shock at her appearance that was slowly growing smaller and smaller as she gets pushed out 

"who was the one that knocked on the door?" 

eliza asked, not acknowledging that yoongi is using his powers, trying to create a thicker layer of protection around the house 

"i hope that it isn't nancy. i swear, she comes to find us just to see yoongi and wants to get him away from me"

y/n said, and her mood turned a 180 degrees and she began to passive aggressively wash the dishes, splashing some of the bubbles onto her face and her mother's 

"that woman... she's the betrayer" 

seokjin whispered under his breath and immediately tried to find ways to get to communicate with the spring fairy 

seeing their eldest friend panic and is in distress, they got no idea what to do but to first get him to calm down before he starts talking away what he means by nancy being the betrayer

it took them sometime to calm seokjin down and y/n tried using her new powers to cast a faint calming spell on him so that he can calm down and explain what he meant 

as they were trying to get seokjin to calm down, the mother and daughter duo noticed that the guys are in a ruckus and when they turned around, they saw seokjin being all panicky there so y/n had no choice but to use a faint calming spell to calm him down temporarily 

"that woman... out there, is the one who had thanatos new men to capture me and beat me up. i managed to escape them when they were sleeping after exerting their energy beating me up. i was also locked in the same cell with the spring fairy but she was only mildly injured. not much bruises or wounds are on her except a bandage wrapped around her head as she was hit hard on her head. she then told me that the person who captured me is a fairy and is working for thanatos but the only thing that lies is that she will not be able to get out and i somehow manage to slip pass all the men guarding the cell and escaped here with all the information i got from her. i also saw the face of the woman that kidnapped me which i now know is nancy. she was the one that somehow was able to get pictures of the potion you've made but how she got it is something i don't know" 

seokjin ranted out, finally spilling the truth of how and why he looked so bloodied and beaten up when he was at their doorstep 

this means that thanatos also knows that seokjin has escaped as they concluded that the shadow yoongi saw is from nancy and the only thing left to do is to prepare for war against thanatos once again 

but this time, they will be stronger and better than his army, determined that they will be able to take down his army faster than they did before 

using some kind of device taehyung hid in his pocket, it is used to contact his people in hell to tell them about the war that is approaching soon and also to contact every god 

things are not going smoothly this time round and they do not regret anything so far as they have been working hard to plan strategies on ways to erase thanatos for good 

eliza also contacted the elders to tell them that nancy is the betrayer in the fairy realm and is hiding in it for a long time so they managed to strip her from her identity as the stone fairy 

back in the house, they are all warming up their powers and getting ready for combat but there's a bit of an issue between yoongi and jungkook again 

if jungkook tries to create a ball of heat from the sun and it somehow reaches yoongi who is at the other side of the house, yoongi will have to create an ice ball which will freeze jungkook's ball or makes it lose its heat stored in there  

this has happened quite a number of times and it certainly did make them frustrated but they somehow managed to get things done 

the next thing they knew, everyone else all stepped out of their houses to prepare for war as they have received the news about it 

seeing everyone all ready to bring down thanatos made y/n and eliza to be proud that everyone isn't going to back down until thanatos backs down first 

heading to the elders house to ask for blessings so that everyone will be protected even after death 

on the way there, everyone were all staring at the 7 gods that exited from eliza's house 

"i think we have to tell the other gods about the battle right?" 

hoseok asked seokjin and seokjin nodded his head before replying 

"i think we need to assemble in the auditorium as we have to lure thanatos out before they can attack us. i will head up to tell the others before we can take all the fairies up to assemble. i think that this is a very short notice and will alarm them but we got no choice but to do so as the fairy realm is currently not the safest place since we have a betrayer here"

seokjin said and everyone knew that he was talking about nancy being the betrayer 

in the end, somehow, the elders managed to get a hold of her even before she got kicked out and was burnt alive for committing such a crime

there aren't many child fairies so it is easier to cover them and not let them watch the brutal scene play out in the open, in the middle of the fairy realm 

the 7 gods saw it and was shocked as burning fairies alive was not heard of for a very long time because no one carried it out due to ow brutal it is and the nightmares it can give to the other fairies watching it 

however, there is no such thing for mercy for betrayers like nancy  

upon reaching the gates of heaven, seokjin was immediately let in and headed straight to the p.a system to announce that the auditorium is going to be in use and everyone should gather there 

with that, the job's done and all the fairies can head up 

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now