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back in the fairy realm, she was immediately greeted by her mother, standing in front of the portal with a proud look on her face

after not seeing her mother in 3 months, she ran into her mother's arms and they stayed at that position for what seems like an eternity

many other fairies around them looked at them adoringly as y/n was one of the rarest fairies to exist in their realm as she was given birth to and not made

happyily making their way back to their house, y/n felt weird as her mother did not question anything about yoongi or the 'guy-she-met-in-the-human-world'

pushing that thought aside, she knew that she should not bring up anything her mother did not mention about if not she will break the bonding time between the two of them

when night came, y/n felt that she should let her mother know about yoongi as she does not seem to want o mention him at all so she decides to start the conversation of yoongi first

"mom? so about the guy that i took a picture with... do you think he's handsome?"

with that statement, her mother froze and that made y/n really scared about her mother

her mother, freezing out of nowhere when she mentions about yoongi, what exactly is so wrong about it?

after so long as her mother was trying to grab a hold of her thoughts, she blurted out

"did you know... that he's the winter god? the one that you wanted to find for a long time, is right before your eyes?"

her mother expected her to gasp really loud and start to regret for not doing anything but her reply says otherwise

"yup, i do know that he's the winter god. i just didn't want to mention anything about it because i thought that it wold have made him uncomfortable. and i think i should also mention that hoseok, the nature god. i told him my true identity and he told me the truth about them and that also included the fact that yoongi's the winter god"

her mother was in great shock from that and needed time to recover from it so she excused herself and went ahead to her room to rest

but before y/n can forget, she must let her mother know about thantos being back together with his partner dyrk and that she was in a fight with him in broad daylight

after mentioning those, her mother was in great shock which caused her to faint as that was a lot of information being spilled

as her mother fainted, it was so bad and she had to call the doctor over to their house as she got no idea what to do

thankfully, after the doctor checked up on her and all, it turns out to be fatigue as she was told that her mother has not been sleeping well because she was probably worried about her and that she just needs more rest

laying beside her on the bed after greeting and sending the doctor out, she sighed and started plating with her mother's hand

"mom... actually, i asked you if you think yoonig's handsome is because i like him a lot. i really don't know why my heart is beating very fast around him and why is it that every action of his makes my heart flutter but all i know is that this is something i have not experience before. everything he does was to keep me safe, even when i have to move into his house as he was protecting me from thanatos and dryk. their whereabouts are still not found so them doing their part, trying to protect me really made me grateful for being on earth at the right time. i actually did not expect to fall for the winter god as i heard many things about him but i'm happy that i'm the one that broke him out of his cold and conservative shell in which he kept himself in. i really hope that you know how much he's been protecting me during my 3 months stay in the human world and that if i had the chance to do so, i will want to meet him again, if possible, not during winter and in other seasons. anyways, i'm quite tired from all the talking and catching up on things so i really hope that i'll get a reply from you soon anyways. good night mom"

and with that, all the lights in their house are all turned off as the two of them drift into deep sleep

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now