The burden of secrets - Ep02

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It's something weird. Everyone has them. More or less big, more or less shameful, but all of them are harmful. They destroy us from within, but we only feel safe when we keep them preciously buried within us.

This false sense of security is due to the fact that we like to keep to ourselves what we consider to be our property. But a secret is never really ours and when it does break out can do tremendous damage.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

– You need to talk to her, Athena said.

Athena was an ebony-skinned woman with a deep, sultry voice. She was of average height, and was in her late fifties. She had had two children from a first marriage and now shared her life with her second husband, whom she loved more every day.

Bobby made her back into the kitchen. Holly was finally asleep and he didn't want to disturb her. She had woken up again in the middle of the night, screaming all she could.

Her nightmares must have been terrifying.

When he got up an hour earlier, he had found her curled up, struggling with sleep, and made her lie back down on the sofa where she finally seemed to sleep.

Bobby was a man in his early fifties. He was tall, sported a short haircut and a square face.

He was very worried about her, but her sister refused to see a psychologist and everyone in the house was strained to sleep.

– I know, he whispered.

– It's been one week, Bobby, she insisted.

Athena could see that her husband was completely distraught. He didn't know how to help his younger sister. The young woman remained walled in her silence and never left the house.

Athena saw her sink, little by little, into depression and the fall was vertiginous. She had to stop that, before she got too far from reality, and she couldn't be pulled back to them, before they could do nothing for her.

They had to find help ASAP.

– Yes, I know, Bobby whispered again. But she's my sister.

– And she remains welcome with us, she confirmed. But she isn't fine. She no longer sleeps, barely eats, jumps at the slightest noise. We can't leave her like this.

– I'll talk to her, he sighed.

– It's for her own good, she assured him, picking up her jacket to leave the house. I must see Hen. See you at the fire station?

– At noon, he confirmed.

He placed a kiss on her lips and watched her go. He just had to think of an effective way to help his sister. He was going to need help. Help from someone who had experienced this and got through it.

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