If you had loved me - Ep15

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We remake the world with "if".

It's so much easier to imagine the better if our actions had been different. But the boundary between the real world and the imaginary is sometimes enormous or, on the contrary, tenuous.

And if...

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Eddie smiled.

Buck had just asked THE killer question. No, actually, he'd been spending his time asking lots of questions, more or less futile, about how to take care of a baby for nearly two weeks.

Bobby himself spent his time reassuring him.

Buck was a tall, muscular man. He had blond hair, cropped short, and a birthmark above his left eyelid. He always kept a small, ironic smile. He had just learned that his wife was pregnant and that he would be a father in a little over two weeks.

He was both anxious and excited.

– You're not there yet Buck, Bobby reminded him.

He was a fifty-five year old man. He was tall, had a short haircut and a square face. He was the captain of the one-eighteen Los Angeles Fire station. Their captain.

He was also the father of Holly, Buck's wife.

– But it will come quickly, pleaded the young man.

– You still have time, he assured him.

Buck turned to his best friend.

In his thirties, Eddie was a little shorter than his friend but just as muscular. Brown with hazel eyes, he had a charm, the scope of which he seemed to ignore. He'd been to Afghanistan as a paramedic twice, and was now caring for his son, an adorable nine-year-old angel named Christopher.

– What do you think about it? he asked him.

– Bobby's right, he replied. You still have time. Start by protecting the sockets and the doors, it will be more useful to you in the immediate future.

– I already did, he replied. Three days ago already.

– You should also think about stocking up on a huge supply of diapers, Chimney laughed.

He was a short Korean, who had just become the father of a little girl. Above all, he had been the companion of Buck's sister, Maddie, for two years already. He worked in the same fire station as his friend and it was he who had introduced the young woman to him.

Buck turned to his brother-in-law with an outraged expression.

– With Holly, we decided to use washable diapers.

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