Welcome Home Baby

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Toni POV
Bryan has been in Miami all week long "working" with his new artist. Don't get me wrong I admire his worth ethic, but it's often hard to be alone when you're not alone. I wish, he could find a way to conduct his business here in LA, so that we can spend more time together.

- Phone rings
Bryan: Hey Baby, what are you doing?

Toni: Nothing, just got finished washing clothes. Where are you?

Bryan: I just landed, back in LA and I wanted to come see my wife.

* I knew he landed and I just wanted to act surprised like I didn't know but I have been waiting for him all day and I couldn't wait to see him.

Toni: Well, when are you coming? I missed you.

Bryan: I'm going to stop by the house right quick, then I'm going to come and see you.

Toni: Okay honey, I'll be waiting.

Bryan: Okay,  I love you baby. I can't wait to see your fine ass

Toni: I love you too.

*  Denim and Deizel were hanging out with their friends this weekend, so I knew I was going to have the house all to myself. Honestly, I was planning to show my man just how much I missed him so I was happy the boys were out of the house.

Bryan POV

I have been working all week, non-stop and I love what I do and I don't plan on letting up any time soon but I also don't plan on losing my girl in the process. I'm trying to figure out a good balance but I have a feeling I am not doing such a great job. I don't ever want her to feel neglected because I would do just about anything for her. Whatever she wants it's a green light! She often tells me that it's not about what I buy her, but about the quality time we have together. So tonight, I'm going to spend some quality time with my wife to remind her just how special she is to me. I need to stop and get some flowers on my way there.

- Toni's House

Toni open's the door and sees Bryan and wraps her arms around his neck not letting go and continues to kiss him on his neck, cheek and lips.

Toni: Hiiiiiiiii babe, I missed you so much. You smell good.

Bryan: Hello beautiful, you look so damn sexy. Where are the rest of your clothes?

Toni blushes

* Toni had on this sexy black lace one piece from La Perla. She felt Bryan's imprint on her instantly when she hugged him, which made her smile inside knowing that she still has that effect on him after all of this time.

Toni: *laughing- ........they're on! Do you like what you see?

Bryan: I love what I see with your sexy ass. You're so beautiful baby. I have something for you!

* Toni gets excited

Toni: what is it babe?
* Bryan pulls a huge bouquet of flowers from behind his back and Toni's face lights up. That's one Of the reasons he buys her things, because he enjoys that look of happiness and joy on her face so much. He would give anything to make her smile like that forever.

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