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Toni POV

I'm starting to feel like myself again.... I'm feeling sexy and beautiful and I'm ready to go out. I haven't spoken to B in over a month and now I'm ready to go out and enjoy myself. I'm happy that we're on speaking terms even though I still miss him being my man and I miss the sex desperately.

I'm going to go to the nail shop and pamper myself today, so I can go out with my friends tonight.

Nail Shop

Nail Tech: Hey Toni, how are you? Long time no see

Toni: lol I know I know, I've been busy but I'm here now. I want everything.... mani/pedi and a nice glass of wine

Nail Tech: Yes, perfect. I'll be right back with your wine. Please have a seat

Nicole walks into the nail shop

Nail Tech: Niiiicccoole, how are you please have a seat.
Nicole spots Toni siting down and walks over

Nicole: Hey Toni, how are you? I haven't seen you in forever.

Toni looked and saw Nicole

This bitch knows I don't like her ass. Why the fuck is she talking to me, but I will always be a lady and always remain professional but she has 1 time to try me and I will turn into a bitch real quick.

Toni: Hey Nicole, I'm great. Thanks for asking.

Toni looked up to make eye contact with Nicole while she was sitting down and she noticed something very distinct.... That's Bryan's fucking hoodie. Why the fuck, does she have on his hoodie? And how the hell did she get it? Toni knew  there were a million people in the world with that same Christian Dior hoodie but she knows that Bryan's because she poked a hole in it by accident which created a big hole. So she added a hole to the other sleeve to make it look like the style. Bryan didn't even know she did it, because he only wears his clothes once but she wore his clothes all of the time when they were together.

Little did Toni know, this was all apart of Nicole's plan. She knew Toni would be at the nail shop today and she wore Bryan's hoodie on purpose. Bryan has been avoiding her and her calls and he changed security guards so Nicole can no longer show up on his property so she knew Toni would relay the message to Bryan for her.

Nicole: Well it was good seeing you girl

Toni rolled her eyes while her mind went crazy thinking about Bryan and Nicole. The thought of him fucking her made her physically sick, she wanted the throw up. How could he do this to me? Out of all the people in the world.... Her? I can't believe that dusty bitch had my man. I know he's not mine but still.... What the Fuck! Toni couldn't get the image out of her head. She was livid but she refused to allow Nicole to see how she was feeling inside.

2hrs later, Toni's nails were done. And she went straight home. She wanted to cry, fight, throw up and just lay in bed. She didn't even want to go out anymore. She was sad, angry, hurt and alone.

Tamar called

Toni: Hello

Tamar: Girl you ready? You know you always late

Toni: No, I don't want to go.

Tamar: Ah hell, you always do this. Get up and get out the bed.... NOOooowwww!

Toni: I'm not in the mood.

Tamar: What's wrong sis? You're not feeling well?

Toni: No, I'm fine. I'm just tired

Tamar: Girl bye, I'm on my way!

Toni: Nooo

Tamar hung up the phone

Ugggh I don't want her coming over here and I don't care what she's says I'm not going- Toni thought

Toni's house

Tamar: What is wrong with you, you look pitiful!

Toni: Thanks a lot, you're so kind.

Tamar: Just tell me what is is? Is it Bryan again? Just get back with the man you know you love him. I thought you were just dickmatized but you can't shake that man. Just be with him! Y'all really love each other

Toni: I can't😔 He's dating Nicole

Tamar:Bitch whaaaaaat?! 👀 ..:: Nicole ? Nicole Murphy? The same bitch that tried to fuck Keri?

Toni: Yes, her. Thanks for the reminder!

Tamar: Damn, she must have it out for you. What did you do to her? You stole her man or something?

Toni: No, nothing. We dated the same guy in college but he meant nothing to me I didn't even sleep with the guy.

Tamar: So why she going after Bryan?

Toni: I don't know, but I'm so mad I can fucking kill him!

Tamar: Why you mad at him? He doesn't know anything about your history with Nicole.... Unless you told him.

Toni: No, I didn't.

Tamar: Bryan is just a pawn, he's being used to hurt you. Just like Keri was. But Keri didn't sleep with her,  thank God. But I know Bryan is beating that pussy up!

Toni starts crying just by the thought

Tamar: I'm just playing sis, you're really hurt by this?! Listen, don't be mad at Bryan y'all ain't together and he had no idea. I'm just shocked Bryan didn't see this coming.... He can typically see a snake from a mile away. But a man is a man girl, a nice warm pussy is a nice warm pussy Ya heard?! Lol

Toni didn't find the humor in her jokes, not at this moment when she can't seem to get that image out of her head.
Tamar is right, Toni thought. Bryan is usually smarter than this. I need to talk to him, but I don't even know what to say.... I don't even have a place to question him, but I do need to let him know that he's being played... right? - Toni asked herself

Toni: Thanks for stopping by Tay, but I just want to drink and go to sleep.

Tamar: Okay girl, but if I were you I would pull up on Bryan's ass and then go bust the windows out of Nicole's car! Go get your man girl....

Toni: Get out! Bye lol

Toni went to bed.... Well she tried to, but her mind kept wondering. So she got up and drunk a whole bottle of wine... The ENTIRE bottle. Needless to say, she was drunk but she still couldn't fall asleep because she was so damn mad. So she took out her phone and drunk texted Bryan at 2 am

📞Toni text: Fuck you! I hate you and I wish we never got together. You are the biggest regret of my life. Don't ever speak to me AGAIN!

Bryan didn't respond which made her infuriated even more.

She got up out the bed and got another bottle and poured herself another glass of wine. Staring at her phone waiting for him to respond.... Still nothing!

Toni eventually fell asleep with the phone in her hand until she was woken up by a knock at the front door.

Toni: Who is it?!

Bryan: Bryan!

😳👀 Toni, now happy but mad and shocked and scared all at the same time.

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