Lets Get Away

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Bryan POV

I still had the keys to Toni's home so while she was out to eat chillin, I called up my team to have flowers delivered to her house. That's the only reason I allowed her to stay at that restaurant.

I wanted to overwhelm her with my love. Although she did some dumb shit, I'm still madly in love with her little ass. Besides, she was just trying to get my attention.

I also called up her stylist and assistant so they can pack her bags for our weekend getaway. I gave her stylist Ashley 25k to buy her some new clothes and shoes.

I checked in with her manager and assistant so they could clear her schedule for 2 days.

Everything was in place and her home now prepared.....

I patiently waited for her to get back home

Toni POV

I was so nervous as I entered my home, because I wasn't sure if Bryan was there and I didn't know if he was going to be happy or mad if he was.

I unlocked the door and my heart skipped a beat when I saw my home filled with flowers and candles EVERYWHERE, it was like a scene in a movie. I felt like I was at some secret garden. I walked around my home in awe, I can't believe he did this! My mouth was wide open and I was speechless as I looked around the room.... Then I heard his voice and turned around

Bryan: You like it?!

Toni started crying and ran into his arms

Toni: Awwww honey, I love it ...... This is so beautiful. I'm speechless

See, this is one of the reasons I fell in love with Bryan; everything he did was over the top. Everyday with him was an experience I never had. He was very thoughtful and romantic and extremely generous and he always went out of his way to make me feel like a million bucks. He's definitely a gangster but he's the perfect gentleman to me. He's such an amazing man!

Bryan: Don't cry baby, I just wanted to make you happy!

Toni: Baby, these are tears of joy. I'm soooooo happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is beautiful

Toni held his face and kept kissing him repeatedly

Bryan smiled

Bryan: There's something else I wanted to give you.... look baby

Bryan presents Toni with a diamond tennis bracelet worth 100k

Toni was in complete shock and blinded by all the diamonds. Speechless again, Toni held her arm out as Bryan placed it on her wrist.

Toni: Ommmg baby this is so beautiful, I don't even have the words. I can't believe you did this.... What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve you? You're so good to me!

Toni was crying because she was so overwhelmed with joy and love

Bryan: You're perfect in every way and I'm madly in love with you. I can't get enough of you and I can't get over you ...... I tried.

They both start laughing and Toni hits his shoulder

Toni wraps her arms around Bryan sinking into his chest as she closed her eyes. She held him so tight and didn't let go.

Bryan tried to pull away and look at her face, but she wouldn't let go.

Bryan: Baby you ok?

Toni: Yes, I just love you so much. Please don't let me go..... Ever!

Bryan squeezed her tighter and kissed her forehead repeatedly

Bryan: I got you baby, I love you!

They stood there in silence just holding each other as Bryan placed kisses on her face.

I fell in love with my best friend Where stories live. Discover now