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Bryan POV

I'm heading back home to LA after 10 days. I know I told T, that it'll only be 5 days but I just wasn't ready to face her after what I did this weekend. When we're together we just can't keep our hands off each other and I couldn't fuck her knowing that I just fucked someone else. Yes, you heard currently I fucked one of my old hoes. But for the first time ever I feel guilty as fuck! I hate myself, I know why I did it, but I didn't even enjoy it ....not because the pussy wasn't good, but because I'm so in love with Toni that now my mind is fucked up even more. The whole purpose was to help me let Toni go, but all it did was make me hate myself and realize I can't get over her that easily. I've cheated in past relationships but I've never felt like this during or after. Toni has me fucked up emotionally and I can't control that shit and I hate it. I've been dodging her and her calls, telling her that I'm still in Miami working when I'm back in LA. I just can't look her in her eyes.... I love her too much. Besides, she always wants dick as soon as I get off the plane and I can't give it to her.... Well I choose not to give it to her. I'm trying to break away from her.

Hot Boy: Yo, did you see your girls IG?

Bryan: Nah, what happened?

HotBoy: Look, she's basically naked. She looks good as fuck though. All them niggas in her comments

I can't lie, I felt some type of way. She's sexy as fuck and fine as ever and that's something I can't control and don't want to change but I wish she could put on a little more clothes.

Bryan: Yeah, she is. Let her do her thing! She looks and feels good and that's great. I love a confident woman.

Typically, after seeing one of her sexy post I would pull up at her house and fuck her until she can't walk as punishment, but not today. Maybe that's one of the reasons she does it, to get my attention and it works but I need to detach myself so I can't fall into old habits. This is the first step of letting go for me, but damn she's looking good.

HotBoy: so you're not going to check that shit?

Bryan: Nah, let her do her thing. She's her own woman. As long as no one disrespects her we straight.

Toni POV

It's been 11 days since I've seen Bryan and I checked his security teams IG page and I know they're back in LA so why the fuck hasn't he come to see me. And why is he lying acting like he's still in Miami. We've never been here before, not with the lying and avoiding each other. We didn't even argue, and we had amazing sex before he left. So what the fuck is his issue?

Toni calls Jada

Toni: J, I think you're right. He's pulling away from me. To the point he's avoiding me.

Jada: That's how men deal with hurt; they don't deal with it. They don't want to talk about it and they will make themselves busy to avoid addressing the issue at hand. Kinda like someone I know - laughing

Toni: Whatever! Lol

Jada: You know how to make him come over, I told you to post that pic. I bet he will pull up within the hour.

Toni: okay, love you girl!

Jada: Love you too, bye!

Toni posted a sexy IG video in a thong bikini getting over 300k likes

Damn it's been 2 days and he still hasn't come over to my house. I know we don't follow each other, but I know someone has showed him or told him by now. He always finds out and finds his way over to my house.

3 days later

He finally admitted that he's back in LA and confessed that he's stressed and overwhelmed with work because he has a deadline for this movie that he's been working on. So I decided to be understanding and give him a little space while being supportive as he is to me. But I can't deny that I was feeling neglected and horny as fuck! Fine he wanted to stop talking to me that's one thing but take away my dick too, that's just too much.

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