Nothing is going right

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Toni POV

It's been almost 3 months since Bryan and I  have seen or heard from each other. Not only has it been hard emotionally but it's been hard physically. Bryan and I had a very healthy sex life. The sex was amazing! I appreciate it even more now..... damn. But more importantly I miss my friend, Bryan was a voice of reason, and support. He was always honest with me even when I didn't want to hear it. He made me feel like I was the sexiest, classiest woman in the world and for that I will always love him.
During this time I buried myself with work not only to keep from thinking about B but to also make sure I don't have any money trouble down the line. B has been paying for everything since we've been together and although he always promised to take care of me, I am no longer his responsibility. The fact is, working has helped me mentally but it has also taken a toll on my body physically. I been having more flare ups in the last 3 months than I've had in years. I know I need to slow down but this isn't the time right now. The boys are in college and I have to pay their tuition.... By myself.

The boys came home from school to visit for the weekend and Keri was in LA and decided to stop by to say hi to the boys and I.

Toni's home

Keri: Hey Toni, how are you ?

Toni: I'm good and you?

Keri: I'm cool, I just came in town for some more business meetings and I thought I'd check in with the boys.

Toni: that's nice

Keri: so the boys told me you and Bryan broke up, is that true?

Toni looked shocked

Here's my ex asking me about my ex fiancé .... Great! - she thought

Toni: Yes, it's true. Nothing went wrong honestly, I just didn't think we had what it takes to make a marriage last forever.

Keri: I hope our marriage didn't discourage you from moving forward with him.

Toni rolled her eyes

Toni: Absolutely not! I really loved Bryan and I realize that now more than ever.

Keri: Then why did you let him go? I have to admit at first I wasn't happy with this relationship considering all of the information that's been in the media about him for years.  I didn't really want you or the boys around him but I knew that wasn't my decision to make. But after hearing about all the things he's done for my boys and seeing how much he loved you, he seemed to be an honorable man that truly loved and supported you. I eventually saw how happy you were and that was beautiful to see. 

Toni looked sad remembering all of the good times she and Bryan had together. All of the times he would call just to check on the boys and her family even if he and she were having their own personal issues.

Toni: I know 😔

Keri: I didn't say that to make you sad, I'm just checking in with you to make sure your heart is okay.  I know how you are.... You push people away that really love you because you fear they will eventually leave you.

Toni opened her eyes and looked at him as if she had an epiphany. He's so right, she did this with him and she did it again with Bryan.

Toni: well it's too late, I already lost him.

Keri: when you truly love someone you never let go no matter how long it is, that person will forever hold a place in your heart...... Forever

Toni was looking at him trying to figure out if he was still talking about her relationship with Bryan or if he was talking about himself

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