Dear God

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7 days later

Bryan POV

I'm in Atlanta on tour with my artist and all is going well. He was about to hit the stage then I receive a call from Towanda

Bryan's heart dropped because he knows she only calls for birthdays, holidays or if something is going on with Toni and Today wasn't a holiday..... so what could it Be?

Phone call:

Towanda: Hey BIL,

Bryan: Hey sis, wassup?

Towanda: Well Toni is in the hospital because she had a Lupus flare up. She's going to be okay, but she will probably be in the hospital for a couple of days, and I didn't want you to hear about it on the news or something.

Bryan knew something was up with Toni, because he was calling her the last 2 days but she would only respond through text. He had no idea she was in the hospital

Bryan: Where is she? Can you give me all of the information?

Towanda: She doesn't want you to worry, because this is normal when she's stressed or over works herself. She knows you're working and she's going to be fine.

Bryan: Send me the information please

Towanda: Okay bro, I will text it to you

Bryan: Thank you

They hang up

Bryan calls his team and tells them to get the Jet ready so he can fly to LA.

Bryan was angry and worried at the same time. He believed in God but he didn't pray often because his relationship was kind of new. So he just simply asked God to protect her until he got to her.

Bryan took some time to research and understand Lupus when they got together so he would know what to expect and how to love Toni the way she needed to be loved with her illness. He researched the meds she takes and the therapies she may need, but these moments when she has to go into the hospital brings him great fear. He loved her too much and the fear of losing her or the fear of her being alone when she was in pain broke his heart.

6hrs later

Bryan lands in LA and heads straight to the hospital


Bryan walks up to Toni's room and sees her laying in the bed. He greets her mom and sisters Towanda and Tamar and proceeds to walk to her bed.

Toni: Hi honey

Bryan: Hi baby, how are you feeling?!

Toni: I'm okay, I was just doing too much. I will be back to normal in a couple of days. I have to do some blood work and exams tomorrow but I will be fine.

Ms E: I know you're worried about her, but she will be just fine.

Bryan was silent looking at the woman that he loved in pain and there was nothing he could do about it. This was above him and there wasn't enough money in the world to change the situation. He felt helpless

Bryan: Can I get a moment alone with Toni?!

Tamar: Yeah, good .... I'm hungry anyway! We'll be back T!

Toni's eyes began to water

Bryan: Baby, don't cry everything is going to be okay.

Toni: I hate having stupid lupus, I hate that my body is out of my control and I hate that I made you miss out on work. I didn't want you to worry!

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