I'm not ready

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Toni's Bedroom

Bryan POV
I woke up in Toni's bed as the sun came through the curtains. Toni was laying on top of me asleep as I held her in my arms. She's so beautiful! I can't believe I'm here, we're here and she's all mine. I've been in love with her forever and now she's finally going to be my wife. Yes, I call her my wife but we're not actually married yet.... just engaged. She won't choose a date and to be honest that shit has been fucking with me. That's why I have been working harder and longer hours so I don't have to be in my feelings.

I kissed her forehead and held her tighter feeling like the luckiest man in the world as she lay on top of me naked.... Then she started to wake up.

Toni: Mmmmmm, good morning handsome

Bryan: Good morning beautiful, you look so pretty when you sleep.

Toni: Thank you baby, I get the best sleep when I'm with you.

Bryan smiles

Bryan: What do you have planned for today ?

Toni: I have to take Diezel to a modeling gig and then I'm going to head to the studio, ....you?

Bryan: I have a few business meetings today, but I would like to take you out to dinner later tonight

Toni blushes

Toni: I would like that babe, I can't wait.

Bryan: What time are you planning to head out?

Toni: not until later today, I have to be out by 2pm. So I'm all yours until then....smiling

Bryan: I have to leave by 12 for my meetings but we still have 4 hours of fun.

Toni didn't really like the fact that he had to leave, but she smiled anyway especially knowing she was going to see him later tonight for diner.

Toni: Good, because I want to make you breakfast.

Bryan: Wait, lay here for a second I want to talk to you.

Toni: Okay, what's up babe?

Bryan: I want to know what's going on with your music, how's things? Are you still planning to go on tour?

Toni: well, I'm working on a new album and I postponed the tour for now to work on the movie.

Bryan: how do you feel about that?

Toni: I'm cool with it; I feel like everything happens for a reason and I'm really excited about my new projects.

Bryan: well I'm happy for you babe and if you need anything you know I got you... right?!

Toni: of course babe, that's one of the things I love most about you. You're so loving and supportive, I think you should come by the studio and hear some of my new music... I think you would like one of the songs since it's inspired by our relationship.

Bryan smiling

Bryan: I would love to baby, just let me know when

Toni saw a puzzled look on Bryan's face and she knew he had something else on his mind.

Toni: What's wrong babe?!

Bryan: T, do you really want to marry me?

Toni: of course baby, I love you! where is this coming from?

Bryan: You still haven't picked a date, you constantly push the date back or avoid the topic and try to deflect while you focus on everything else. Like you said, I'm 100000% supportive of everything you do, nobody wants to see you happy and to see you win more than me but I also want to marry you .... I don't care where or when as long as it's you and me.

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