Why are you doing this?

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It's been 3 weeks since I've seen Bryan and I miss him so much. I'm out on tour and he's on tour with his new artist. We talk, text, FaceTime and he sends me flowers to all of my shows but I miss his touch and kiss so much. We have 1 more month of this, but it's getting harder by the day. I'm also not feeling  my best. I'm afraid that I'm going to have a Lupus Flare up and I  have a cold and I'm exhausted and I feel fatigued, but I have to push myself because I signed the contract to finish the tour besides I miss my fans so much, and I don't want to disappoint them.

I just finished my show and I'm at the hotel about to take a shower. Tonight took a lot out of me and my body is weak. I can't wait to get into the bed and get some rest.

I came out the shower to a missed call from Bryan

Calling Bryan back on FaceTime

Toni: Hi honey

Bryan: Hi beautiful, you look so sexy

Toni: Thank you honey. How are you?

Bryan: I'm good baby, how was your show tonight?

Toni: It was good, 10 down, 12 to go!

Bryan looked at her eyes and saw she wasn't feeling well.

Bryan: Baby, are you ok?? How are you feeling physically?

Toni: I'm good, I'm good babe.

Bryan: Baby, don't lie to me. I know you and I'm looking into your eyes and I can tell you're not ok. Talk to me... how are you feeling?

Toni: Babe, I just have a little cold. But I'm fine I promise.

Toni lied, but she didn't want Bryan to worry and she didn't feel like hearing his speeches about the fact she's doing too much.

Bryan knew she was lying but he also saw she looked exhausted so he chose to drop the subject...... for now
Bryan: Baby, you look tired go lay down

Toni: okay

Bryan: What's wrong Baby?

Toni: I'm just tired babe and I really really miss you

Bryan: I know baby, I hate being away from you. This has been too long, 30 more days and it'll be just you and me.

Toni: I know, I just miss you that's all. I'm going to go to bed babe, I'm really tired.

Bryan: Baby move that towel real quick , I want to see what's underneath

Toni smiled

Toni: No phone sex tonight baby, I'm tired.

Bryan: Alright beautiful, get some rest. I love you!

Toni: okay honey, I love so much. Goodnight babe!

I am tired, but I am also a little annoyed because I really miss Bryan and he doesn't seem like he is going to try to come and see me for at least one day while I'm on tour and I'm frustrated and I'm not feeling well. I'm so annoyed! He runs his freaking company, I know he could come and see me for 1 day, WTF!

Bryan POV

I'm so worried about T, I don't like the way she was looking. I know she's not well and I could always tell when she's lying. I hate that she pushes herself so hard, I hate it. I work hard so she doesn't have to work as hard. She doesn't have anything else to prove so I don't get why she keeps jeopardizing her health to do these tours. If it's money she needs, I got that!

I have a 1 day break coming up and Toni is performing in Chicago this Friday, I'm going to surprise her. 1 because I miss her desperately and 2 because I need to check on my girl to make sure she's ok.

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