Memory lane

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Bryan POV

Everyone keeps hitting me up about these pictures of Toni and Keri. The world doesn't know that we're not together so she's free to do what she wants when she wants and I really don't want to hear or know about it.  But I can't lie, it did bother me a little. I'm shocked she went back to him, but I guess she's comfortable with him. Either way I have to let her go emotionally.
Damn That set me back and has me in my feelings. I was doing good, not focusing on her. I just signed 4 new artists and I've been in the studio with them around the clock. I'm also working on 2 new movies and I just closed on this house in LA. And Universal just gave me another check for 550k Needless to say, Life and business has been good. But I can't lie .....I miss my lady, but I can't focus on that.

F that, I'm going to call her ass!

Calling Toni ~

Missed call......

Damn, she's probably with that nigga right now. Ah well, let me go do what I do best ...... Put my focus on the bag and keep running the numbers up!

5 days later

Toni POV

I know I need to call Bryan back, but I'm so nervous. I don't even know what to say, I don't even know why he called me. It's been 3 months and he asked for some space so we both can get over each other and honestly, I'm still not over him. I miss my man and I miss my friend and I kinda feel like I cheated on him the other day although we're not even together.  Uggghhh, let me just call him back....

📞Calling Bryan ~

Bryan: Hello

Toni: Hey B!

Bryan: Hey Toni

Toni? 👀 He never calls me Toni, WTF!- she thought

Toni: Hey, I saw a missed call from you so I wanted to reach out to make sure everything was okay

Bryan: That was 5 days ago lol, it's cool. I was just checking in on you to see how you were doing and feeling. Everyone has been hitting me up about you and Keri so I guess you're doing.....

Toni cuts him off before he finished

Toni: Before you finish that statement, I am not with Keri we just went out to dinner 1 time because I was bored and that's it. We're not together and we won't be together..... ever again!

Bryan relieved but he still wanted to front

Bryan: Listen, you don't owe me any explanation. You're free to do what you want when you want with whoever you want . I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Toni rolling her eyes

Toni: Thanks for checking, I'm good. How are you?

Toni wasn't really good. She missed him so much. Business was slow and nothing seemed to be going right.

Bryan: I'm glad to hear that. You looked beautiful in that picture with him ..... not really

They both laughed

Toni: Very funny

Bryan: Nah seriously, I'm doing okay business is going great, I missed my friend though.

Toni: missed?

Bryan: I still miss you and I think about you often, but I don't want to reach out because I know we're on two different paths now. But I think I'm finally in a place we're I can talk to my friend again.

I fell in love with my best friend Where stories live. Discover now