I love my Man

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2 days Later

Bryan POV
Toni was home from the hospital resting and I didn't want to leave her but she insisted she was okay and she wanted me to go back to work and finish my business. She also planned to finish the next few days of her tour which pissed me off. She's determined and there's nothing that I can really do about that. I could put my foot down, but I want to respect her space and career. We work so well because we're both in the business but we're not in each other's business. I will help and support her in anyway I can. I will protect her at all cost!

Toni's house

Toni: Honey, please don't worry I will be fine. I feel much better. I spaced out the rest of the dates and my mom is coming with me. I will be okay! I will call you everyday, babe please!

Bryan: Alright T! I will let it go and trust your word. But when this tour is over we are going to discuss you doing some other things so you don't have to work this hard. Do some perfume, skincare or lipstick line or some shit..... or even swimwear! We're going to market you as a brand and I'm going to help you.

Toni: Okay babe, fine! ..... I also want to discuss our wedding.

Bryan smiled

Bryan: Are you serious this time?

Toni: Yes honey, I want to be your wife. I love you!

Bryan: Alright, we'll talk about all of that when you're done and I come back.

Toni kisses and hugs Bryan

Toni: I miss you already, thank you for coming to make sure I'm okay. You're an amazing man and I'm lucky to have you!

Bryan: No, I'm the lucky one. I've always loved you and I don't ever want to lose you.... Well, go do your thing baby. I will be calling and checking in with you! I love your fine ass!

Toni: Well, if I'm so fine why don't you want to have sex with me?!

Bryan: I do, I just don't want to hurt you baby. I can't do that to you!

Toni: But I want to! I need to ! I feel like you don't desire me because I'm sick.

Bryan: Babe, that's far from the truth! I adore you.... You're so fucking sexy to me but I'm just worried about hurting you that's all. I want to fuck you so bad, I promise.

Toni: Prove it! Babe it's been a month!! I need to feel you inside of me, I need to feel your love physically... Besides you promiseeeeeed

Bryan opened Toni's legs and pulls down her thong and starts kissing her pussy. He was tired of her talking and thinking he didn't want her. He ate her pussy for  20 minutes strait. Toni was going crazy! She came multiple times

  Bryan wiped his face because it was so wet with Toni's cum all over it.

Toni: Awwww honey, that felt so good. I want to please you now

Bryan: No! I want to show you how much I missed your pussy

Bryan took his dick out and entered Toni slowly

Toni: Mmmmmmmm Baby, you feel so good inside of me!

Bryan: You're so tight baby! I missed this wet pussy

Toni: Ohhh baby, deeper!

Bryan grabs Toni's ass cheeks and pushes himself in deeper causing Toni to let out a loud moan

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