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2 days later

This has been the best weekend of my life. Bryan and I talked for hours, laughed, laid in bed, played games, swam in the pool and relaxed on the beach. We had amazing sex a few times! We were able to rest and relax and now we are reconnected and better than ever. I never felt closer to him than I do now... He's not only my lover but he is my very best friend. I truly love this man and I'm so grateful that I gave our love a chance. Although he does amazing things for me, I don't need it as much I need to just be held by him. Being in his arms, and spending time with just us, doing nothing.....means everything to me! It's the best feeling in the world. I hope he understands that, I love him for him and nothing else!

Toni watched Bryan while he was asleep. She got up to go to the bathroom and when she came out the bathroom she stood there and stared at him.

It was nice to see him actually rest. He is always working and on top of everything in his life and I'm happy he feels safe enough to relax ..........finally- she thought

Bryan shifted and reached out for Toni and when he realized she wasn't there he woke up and saw her standing there in her robe looking so beautiful

He smiled and reached out his hand

Bryan: Good morning beautiful, why you over there?

Toni climbed back in the bed and reached over to hug and kiss Bryan

Toni: I was just enjoying the views! I love to see you rest honey, you hardly ever sleep.

Bryan: I didn't realize how much I needed this break, and I really enjoyed this one on one time with you baby

Today was the last day of the trip and their flight was scheduled to leave that evening, so they planned to go into town for some sightseeing. They haven't left the house since they arrived.

Toni: I needed this too baby, we needed this! I'm so happy I got my man back......My fiancé back!

Bryan's eyes popped open

Bryan: Your fiancé? Babe, we don't have to get married. I know that's not what you want. We can be 10000% committed and I will love you the same as if you were my wife.

Toni: No, honey.... That isn't enough for me. I want more than that. I was scared before, I'm not going to lie. I had a lot of concerns and unanswered questions. All I knew is I loved you, but because I've been married before I know that love isn't enough to sustain a marriage.

Bryan: Do you still have concerns? If you do, let's talk about them.

Toni didn't want to go down this road especially since they just had an amazing weekend of enjoying each other, Talking about their lives and dreams, career goals and future aspirations.

But Bryan seemed so sincere and she had his full undivided attention

Toni: Weeellll, Ok. Are we going to live together ? How are we going to blend our lives? Your business and kids are in Miami and I'm here in LA, yes you have a home in LA but you're gone most of the time. You have security 24/7... and I don't really want them in my house everyday all day. I just want you and I don't want to see a whole team every time I see my man. Annnd the public hates us together, that bothers me sometimes. The comments hurt my feelings. And the weed smoking .....sometimes it's too much, I don't want to smell like a weed dispensary every time I leave from spending time with you,

They both laughed

Toni felt relieved

Bryan: I don't care about anyone's thoughts and opinions but yours. There are some things  I can work on... I'm in the process of creating a label CMW in LA anyway and I'm working on movies their too. So I will be home alot more.....I have to have security babe at all times.....coming from where I come from, one thing you learn is you can never get too comfortable and your head must be on a swivel at all times... especially since I'm a billion dollar nigga. Oh and baby, I need to smoke..... but I can try and do it less especially around you because you would probably get high off contact

I fell in love with my best friend Where stories live. Discover now