The morning after

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Toni POV

I woke up and Bryan was gone, no note, no kiss, no conversation or text. nothing! WTF! He's typically a perfect gentleman.

He usually wakes up and kisses me and orders breakfast so we can eat together before he leaves and has flowers delivered later in the day. This isn't like him....

Let me just call him

Toni calls and text Bryan with no response, Toni was pissed but she decided to relax and be patient.

5 days later

It's been 5 FUCKING days since she's called or seen or heard from Bryan.

Who the fuck does he think he is?! He must've forgot that I'm Toni MF Braxton! FOH - ... I know he's alive because he was just in ATL at Young Thugs birthday party.

I got something for his ass- she thought. He ain't going to play me like I'm some hoe. Fuck him!

Toni decided to go on a date with an old friend and to make sure it's public; she's going to intentionally go to a restaurant with all the paparazzi so Bryan could hear about it on social media.

Bryan POV

It's killing me to play this trick on Toni but I had to get her back for pulling me in the shower. I think 5 days is long enough. So I planned a little romantic weekend get away for just us... I typically don't take vacations but for her I'm breaking all the rules.

Bryan's plane lands in LA and his phone finally has service, so he checks social media to see several pictures of Toni in the media at dinner with that damn basketball player. His heart dropped! Here he is planning to surprise Toni with a diamond bracelet, flowers and a romantic weekend and she's on a fucking date with this new nigga. This bitch loves playing games- Bryan thought. I'm about to remind her who she's fucking with. I'm a G and she's never seen this side of me but it's there and she's about to see that I run this shit!

Bryan called the restaurant owner to confirm if Toni was still there. He instructed the chef to delay their food to give him time to get there.  He also asked the owner to shut the restaurant down in the next 30 minutes, allowing the restaurant to be private for the next two hours.  The owner obliged because Bryan was his friend and a frequent big spender.

Bryan heads to the restaurant

Toni POV

Toni was laughing and enjoying a glass of wine while she waited for her food. She was making small talk and being extra flirty so the paparazzi could get good pictures. She wanted to piss Bryan off and it was working.

Toni: Thank you for taking me out tonight, this is one of my favorite restaurants

Daniel: My pleasure beautiful, it's so good seeing you. You're still sexier than ever!

Toni Blushes

Daniel looks around

Daniel: Damn, where is everyone? It looks like the restaurant cleared out and it's only us.

Toni looked around and noticed the same, but she didn't care because she's use to eating at empty restaurants on date night with Bryan. He typically reserves all of their dates and makes them completely private and she loved that. He didn't care how much it cost, he will shut it down to spend quality, private time with her.

Toni: Yeah, that's weird. But where is my damn food?

Toni waves the waitress down

Toni: Is everything okay, why is the restaurant empty?!

Waitress: We're about to shut the restaurant down for a private party

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