Black*star's first impression (Jasmine's point of view)

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I was at the bottom of the stairs and looking up at the school. I heard voices behind me so i turned around. I let out a breath when i saw that it was just my weapons. Davon and Eddie. They ran up to me and started panting when they were beside me. "Why'd you leave without us?!" Eddie yelled. Eddie was about as tall as me. He had brown curly hair in a box cut on his head. He had brown eyes and slightly tanned skin. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and a pair of black pants with a pair of black converses."I didn't want to be late, then i met these." I pointed to the stairs. I've always been scared of stairs. If its one or two stairs then i'll be fine but if there's more than five, I panic."I can carry you." Davon said. I turned to face him. He was a bit taller then me. He has black hair with a weird quaf (I can't spell so i guessed). He was wearing a black jacket with a navy blue shirt and black pants. He also wore a pair of red converses. I nodded to him. He knelt down and i climbed onto his back. He grabbed my legs and gave me a piggy back ride all the way up the stairs.

When we finally got to the top we were met by a girl with ash blonde hair in pig tails wearing a yellow shirt with a tail coat, gloves, and a plaid miniskirt with (I forget what kind of shoes she wears). Next to her was an albino guy with sharp teeth and pale skin. He was wearing a yellow jacket with the picture of a soul on the left side and a head band that had the word 'soul' on one side and 'eater' on the other. He also wore a pair of yellow shoes. I shrunk back and hid myself behind Davon. He noticed what i was doin and sat me down. I stood up and he did too. When he stood up i hid behind him.

The girl with pig tails took a step forward."I'm Maka Albarn and this is my weapon Soul 'Eater' Evans. You must be the new students. What are your names?" She asked. "I'm Eddie this is Davon and the girl hiding behind him is Jasmine. She's our meister." Eddie said."Why is she hiding?" Soul asked."She's extremely shy, but once she gets to know you then she'll open up." Davon said. I took a step to the side and hid even more behind Davon. Soul opened his mouth to speak when he was interupted by someone yelling.

"YAHOO!! I'M THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTLY BLACK*STAR!!!!! I'M GOING TO SURPASS GOD ONE DAY SO DON'T TRY TO GET IN MY WAY!!!!!" He yelled. I looked up and saw that he was on top of one of the spikes on the school. He must have noticed me cause he jumped down and landed in front of Davon. He pushed Davon to the side and stepped in front of me."HEY GIRLY! , WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" He yelled. I winced at his voice and took a step back. He kept stepping forward and yelling about how he was going to surpass god. I took a step back and stepped down. I looked down and saw the stairs. Then i snapped and pushed him away. "GET YOUR FUCKING EGOTISTICAL ASS OUT OF MY FACE!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO FUCKING SURPASS GOD SO JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE AND TAKE A BREATH MINT CAUSE YOUR BREATH SMELLS LIKE SHIT!!!!!" I took a deep breath and let it out before running over to Davon and hiding behind him.

Maka and Soul were shocked. Black*star had his fists clenched at his sides. He walked over and pushed Davon away again."LOOK GIRLY! NO ONE TELLS THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR WHAT TO DO! I WILL SURPASS GOD ONE DAY AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME! NOT EVEN A LITTLE BITCH LIKE YOU!!!" And he just crossed the line. I slid my right leg back."IF YOUR GONNA SURPASS GOD ONE DAY THEN YOUR GONNA HAVE TO SURPASS ME FIRST YOU DUMB BASTARD!!" I swung my leg and kicked him in the crotch. He fell to his knees and held onto his crotch. I lifted my arm up but was stopped by Eddie. I turned my head to him and he shook his head. I sighed and kneeled down in front of the dumbass."I shouldn't have kicked you in the balls that hard-ow!" Eddie smacked the back of my head."I shouldn't have kicked you in the balls, i'm sorry." I said. I had my fingers crossed in my pocket though. That bastard deserved it! Why am i the one apologizing?

He stood up and i followed suit. Then he did something that no one expected. He punched me in the stomach and shot his soul wavelength into me. I flew back and hit my back on a tree. I coughed up blood."Jasmine!!!" I heard my weapons yell. I stood up and walked towards them. My bangs were covereing my eyes and i had blood leaking from my mouth and down my chin. I walked up to Black*star and gave him an evil smirk."Guess what Dick star? I can do that too!" I yelled as i punched him in the face and shot my soul wavelength into him. He went flying somewhere on the other side of town. I dusted off my black jeans and looked at my outfit. My black jeans were a bit dusty but were mostly clean still, my light blue shirt had a blood stain on it. My hair had some blood in it too but i could get rid of that in the bathroom. I was sure my face was a mess. I looked up and saw Soul and Maka staring at me.

I hid behind Davon again. He took off his jacket and gave it to me. I mummbled a thanks as i took it and put it on. Maka cleared her throat and acted as though the thing with the blue haired idiot didn't happen."Do you guys know what class your in?" Eddie nodded and gave her the piece of paper that had our class in it."Looks like we're in the same class so you guys can just follow us." Maka said. I like her, she's nice. We walked into the building and followed them to class.

Soul x OC x Death the Kid x Black*star fanfiction (Maybe lemon)Where stories live. Discover now