Physical exams (Jasmine's P.O.V)

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It's been a couple months since I found out that Black*Star was in the star clan. By now everyone was calling me by my nickname, well everyone who wasn't scared of me. I didn't have any friends outside of the gang. Currently, I was sitting in Steins classroom while he actually taught us something instead of dissecting something. I still hate him and avoid him for what he did, but not as much as before. There were rumors after the incident with Stein that i let him dissect me and that i was just faking my tears so I could get attention.

The bell rang and I streatched. I stretched my hand over and flicked Eddie's head. He was asleep. He just mummbled something and hid his face in his arms. I leaned over and poked his sides. He jumped up and started breathing like he just ran a marathon."You can't do that to a person when their sleeping." He said. I giggled."I just did." He growled and started packing up. I turned and saw that Davon was asleep too. I leaned over and did the same to him. He jumped and hit his knee on the desk. Me and Eddie laughed while he held his knee.

"Come on, class is over and I'm hungry." I said. He growled and started packing his stuff up. Their wounds has healed by now but Davon still had a big scar on his back and Eddie still had a scar on his left shoulder blade. We were at their lockers and I was waiting for them to put their stuff away. We walked down the hall to my locker and it looked like it was about to explode."I'm kind of scared to open that but our lunches our in there." I said. I turned to my weapons and held up my fist.

They held their's out and we did rock, paper, scissors. I lost. I groaned and stood to the side of my locker while I pushed the handle up. Once it was up enough, the door slammed open and a bunch of envelopes spilled out. I shreaked and jumped into Davons arms. After the avalanche of envelopes stopped, Davon put me down and we started gathering the envelopes. The pile spread out across the hallway and blocked peoples paths. After we cleared a path, people went by and we gave a ton of apologies cause they had to wait so long."People actually leave note in lockers?" I asked. They shrugged."Why?" They asked.I shook my head."I think its sweet, but I didn't know people actually did that. I feel special now cause i've only seen it in the movies." They laughed at me and I punched them playfully.

"Don't laugh." They slowed down to giggling and we managed to shove all the letters in my bag, after we got our lunches out. The bell rang and we shrugged. We put the lunches in my bag again and we went back to class. It wouldn't be the first time we've missed a meal.

Stein was giving a lecture during class so I started reading some of the notes. I was suprised and confused. There were some love notes and some notes with romantic poems in them. Then there were ones asking if I would go to the school dance with them. I got through half of the notes when class ended. I wrote down the page numbers that Stein assigned in my notebook and put all the letters back in my bag. We had gym now so I couldn't bring my bag with me. I put it in my locker and followed Maka, Liz, Patti, and Tsubaki to the girls chainging room.

We had physical exams today. I changed into my gym uniform and sighed. I really don't like shorts. We had to wear a white shirt that we had to tuck into our red shorts that ended right after the butt. I put my hair in a pony tail and we went outside. First test was speed. The girls lined up on one side and the boys lined up on the other. One girl and one boy would face each other and race to the end of their lane.

The first girl up was Maka and she was versing Eddie. I watched and was slightly suprised when half-way through the race, Eddie started winning. Eddie was never one of the fastest people when it comes to running. At the end of the race, Maka won by two seconds. They walked by us and I gave Maka a thumbs up and Eddie a high-five. Up next was Tsubaki, she was versing Davon. I've never seen Tsubaki run but I know that Davon can run a mile in ten minutes.

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