Jasmine's famous?! (Soul's P.O.V)

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Its been two days since Jasmine was attacked by Arachne and she hasn't moved since. I was sitting by her bed, class was going on but I decided to skip in case she woke up. I got up and started walking to the door to get me something to drink."S-soul?" I heard Jasmine ask from behind me. I turned around and saw that she was sitting up and rubbing her eyes. I walked over to her and hugged her. She pulled her hands away from her face and started hugging me back.

I pulled away and smiled at her. She smiled back but only had one eye open."How long was I out?" She asked."Two days, but Maka has been collecting this so you can keep up with the things you missed." I said. She nodded and yawned."I feel like I just slept for a year." She said with a giggle. Such an adorable giggle.........wait Soul stop it! Saying things are adorable isn't cool!

I chuckled and ruffled her hair. She started purring then covered her mouth. Her face turned red. I pulled my hand away and looked at her with a smirk."Did you just purr?" I asked. She shook her head. "You sure?" I asked. She shook her head again."So what is it then?" I asked. She put her hands in her lap and started playing with the edge of the blanket."Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked.

"Can the gang know?" I asked."Yes, but just promise not to tell them yet." She pleaded. "Fine, I promise not to tell anyone what your about to tell me." I said."And what is it that you were about to tell him and not the rest of us?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around and saw the whole gang at the end of her bed. The voice was Kid's."YEAH,oops sorry. What were you about to tell him that you couldn't tell your god!!!" Black*star yelled quietly.

"Well, its better to tell you all at once. I guess." She said. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A pair of cat ears came out of her head and a cat tail came out of her back."I'm part neko." She said. "Well, that explains the sensitive ears." Liz said. Everyone nodded. "I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner, I would have but I never really had the time. Well, I had plenty of time but there was never a right moment...........you all know what I mean, right?" She asked.

We all nodded and she let out a happy sigh."Hey, what day and time is it?" She asked. "It's thursday and its five minutes till half-way through lunch." Patti said. "Can you be more specific with the time?" She asked."It five till one." I said. She nodded then practically launched herself out of bed. Her cat parts were gona and she was putting her shoes on. "I have to go!! Hey, Davon can I get the keys?" She asked. He grab a key ring out of his pocket and threw it to her.

"Drive safe." He said. She caught the keys and nodded as she ran out of the room."Where is she going?" I asked."I have no clue but thats why we're going to follow her." Davon said. We all nodded and followed Jasmine. We were all running and hiding as we followed Jasmine, who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. When she finally got to their house, she jumped down and opened the garage.

She pulled the big garage door open and revealed three very nice motorcycles. (A/N: I'm leaving them to your imagination cause idk how to describe motorcycles.) She put her hands on her hips. "Since you guys followed me all the way here, Who wants to ride with me?" She asked as she turned around and faced us."How did you know we were following you?" Kid asked. "Number one is because you guys seriously suck at following someone while being quiet, number two is because I have great hearing and heard you guys talk about following me and last but not least, I already knew you guys were going to follow me because of how I left."

"Oh, I wanna ride on the motorcycle with Jasmine!!!" Patti yelled. "Not fair, I wanna ride with her." Liz yelled."I can ride with two people." Jasmine said. Patti and Liz high-fived. "I think it would be best if the weapons turned into their weapon form and the meisters carried them cause theirs three meisters that aren't driving and three motorcycles so it would make sense that way."Jasmine said.

Soul x OC x Death the Kid x Black*star fanfiction (Maybe lemon)Where stories live. Discover now