Kid gets in trouble (Davon's P.O.V)

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We walked up the hallway of red arches and heard Jasmine and Lord Death yelling at each other. When we got to the end of the hallway, Lord Death tried to give her a Shinigami-chop, but she stopped it. She caught his hand and flipped him while yelling."I don't think SO!!" When Lord Death landed on the ground with a thud, Me,Eddie,and Kid all yelled her name. She ignored us and started telling Lord Death something. She walked away from him and handed me her bag."It has 4 kishin souls in it. Split it with Eddie. If you wanna know what happened then asked the damn shinigami." She said before walking away.

I opened the bag and handed Eddie two of the souls. He ate his two and i ate my two. I closed the bag and put it around my shoulder. I walked up onto the circular platform and kneeled next to Kid who was on his knees and sitting next to his father."She didn't kill him did she?" Eddie asked. Kid shook his head."My father's immortal, She only knocked him unconscious." He said as he put Lord Death mask on him.

My meister just flipped the Grim Reaper. Death, she's awesome. I thought to myself. Lord Death groaned and sat up."Where'd she go?" He asked in a comical tone."She left." I said. He turned to Kid. "Who's fault was it that she threw the scissors?" He asked. Me and Eddie pointed to Kid."It was mine, Father." He said in a sad tone."You do realize that I spent about 5 minutes arguing with her about how it was her fault and not yours right?" he asked. Kid shook his head."I'm sorry, Father." He said.

Lord Death stood up and Kid stood up as well."Your going to have to be punished for this." I let out a small chuckle then played it off as a cough. Darn me and my slightly perverted mind I turned and looked at Eddie who was smiling at me cause he knew what i thought. I turned back to Lord Death and Kid."Can you two please leave? You can go home if you want but you just need to leave the Shinigami room." Lord Death said. We nodded and left the room.

We went to our lockers and grabed our things before going home. When we got home we noticed that the front door wasn't shut all the way. We looked at each other then went inside. The place was a mess. There were papers thrown everywhere, the couch cushions were on the complete opposite side of the room from the couch, the pictures were all sideways, and the table was upside down. I went upstairs while Eddie went to the basement. I heard rustling so I turned my hand into a ball with spikes.

I walked down the hallway and saw that all the doors were opened and all the rooms were messed up. Even mine and Eddie's rooms were messed up. I saw Jasmine sitting in the corner of my room holding my pillow to her chest. She had her knees up and had her headphones on. I turned my hand back into a hand and went in the room. She had her eyes closed so she didn't know that I was here. I opened my sock drawer and pulled out a cd. I looked and saw that she was listening to music on her phone and not on the cd player. I put the cd back in the drawer and tapped her shoulder.

She jumped and almost punched me. When she saw that it was me she slid her headphones down."So we were robbed." She said weakly. I raised an eyebrow."How do you know we were robbed?" I asked."Well, right after I left school I came home and took a shower. I didn't have any clean pants so I came to borrow some from you. While I was looking through your closet I heard a thud and a bunch of voices. I grabed your pillow and hid in the closet. The people came upstairs and started going through our rooms. When they left, I followed them down stairs and......wait where's Eddie?" She asked."He went to the basement, why?" I asked."SHIT!" She yelled.

She stood up and ran out the room. I followed her. She jumped on the banister and slid down. I did the same thing since it was quicker. She ran to the kitchen then ran to the basement door. I qucikly grabbed her arm before she went down the stairs."There isn't a banister."I said. She nodded. I picked her up bridal style and carried her down the stairs. When we got to the basement, I knew why she was so worried. The men were tied up and had cuts and bruises all over them. Eddie was standing by the light switch and looked horrified.

Eddie has this weird thing where sometimes when he sees blood he'll be completely fine but then there's the other times when he see's blood and he'll either freeze in place or faint. He was frozen in place this time. Jasmine walked up to him and hugged him. She pulled him to the stairs and he walked up them on his own. She walked back over and turned off the light before making me carry her back up the stairs. I sat her down and closed the basement door. She walked over to Eddie and hugged him."I'm sorry you had to see that." She said.

He shook his head."They weren't here to rob us. They were paid to do it. I heard Kid talking on the phone with someone and he gave them our adress and told the to mess everything up." He said. Jasmine hugged him tighter."It'll be okay." She said shakily. She was clearly trying to fight the urge to kill Kid. I walked up and hugged her from behind.She burried her face in Eddie's neck and started crying."Why is it that everywhere we go there is always someone who fucks everything up the first day we met them? We're not mean people are we? It's my fault isn't it? It's always because of me that we're forced to move." She said. We both smaked her. I smacked her head and Eddie smacked her arm.

"Ow.....I guess I am being stupid." She said."But its the truth, everysingle time we move, its always been because I can't control my temper. I go from the shy girl to everyone worst nightmare in the blink of an eye." She sniffled. Eddie pushed her away from him. I rested my chin in her neck. "Jasmine, thats mostly true, but your not the reason that we've had to constantly move. It's everyone else, no one understands the fact that your not emotionaly stable." She playfully punched his shoulder."I get your point but you still could have worded the last part differently." She said as she wiped her eyes. I hugged her tighter before letting go.

"Go put some pants on, we're going to go get Kid in trouble." I said. She turned around and gave me her evil smirk."I like the way you think." She said before leaving the kitchen and going to the stairs."Can you carry me upstairs?!" She yelled. I chuckled before going to the stairs and carrying her up the stairs."How'd you get up the stairs earlier?" I asked."Well, I was kind of in one of my phases so i didn't really notice that I was going up stairs." She said. I nodded and sat her on my bed.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of my red jeans. I threw them to her and she put them on. She took off the oversized shirt that she had on over her black one. She sat it on my bed and we went back down stairs. After organizing the living room we left and went back to the school.

I carried Jasmine on my back from the bottom of the stairs in front of the school, all the way to the shinigami room. I was still carrying her as we walked down the hall. We saw Lord Death standing in the center of the circular platform. He turned around."Hey,Hiyya, Oh, your back." He said."And Jasmine, I'm sorry that I blamed the injury of my son on you." I felt her nod cause she bumped her chin on my head."Our house was vandalized and Eddie beleives it was your sons fault." Jasmine said.He turned his gaze to Eddie.

"Is that so? and why do you beleive that my son is the reason or the cause for the vandalism of your home?" Lord Death asked."I heard him talking on the phone about it and he gave the person our adress and told them to mess everything up." He said. Lord Death nodded before turning around and writing something on the mirror. Afterwards the mirror made a ripple and Kid appeared on it wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black apron.

"Hello Father whats u-oh..." He said as he saw us in the background."Kid?" His father asked. "Y-yes Father?"

"Did you hire people to vandalize their home?"

"y-yes Father."


"Because I was mad and I did it earlier soon after she threw the scissors in my shoulder."

"Your in very very big trouble, Death the Kid."

"I know."

The mirror faded into the refection of Lord Death and us. Jasmine had fallen asleep and was using my right shoulder as a pillow."You may go now." Lord Death said. We nodded and left.

Soul x OC x Death the Kid x Black*star fanfiction (Maybe lemon)Where stories live. Discover now