Death the Kid's first impression (Jasmine's P.O.V)

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Maka opened the class room door and we all walked in. I was hiding behind Davon again. Maka and Soul went to their seats. My weapons and I walked to the front of the classroom. The teacher had a giant screw in his head. He turned the screw a couple of times."Introduce yourselves to the class." He said. Well he's very enthusiastic I thought sarcastically."I'm Eddie, This is Davon, And this is Jasmine, Our meister." Eddie said.

I heard people in the crowd calling Eddie and Davon cute and hot. I hid even more behind Davon which apparently caused some person to freak out."She's not symmetrically hiden anymore!" The boy shouted. I looked up and saw a boy with raven hair that had 3 white lines in it that went half-way around his head. He was wearing a suit. I noticed that he was about 3 inches away from me. I took a step back. He reached forward and i took another step back. I hit the wall. He reached forward again and started to mess with my hair, mainly my bangs. He took out a pair of scissors and held them in his mouth.

I started panicing. I have a couple of weird fears. Stairs being the first one and scissors also happen to be on that list. Which is weird considering my weapons can transform into scissors. But i think i don't panic because i know its them and not actual scissors. The boy took the scissors out of his mouth and brought them to my hair. Before he could cut my hair, i paniced and ran to the other side of the room. He stood still and seemed confused. I hid in a corner and tried to make myself seem as small as possible. Eddie and Davon came over and tried to comfort me.

The boy came over with his hands behind his back. Why isn't the teacher doing anything?! I paniced. Eddie helped me stand up."She has a fear of scissors." Eddie said. The boy nodded before taking a step back. Eddie and Davon walked to the front of the class again while I followed. Well, I tried to follow. The boy grabbed my arm, pinned me against the wall with my hands behind me, and held the scissors infront of my face. I paniced and kicked him in the crotch. He took a step away and dropped the scissors. I paniced again and kicked the scissors up before they hit the ground.

Davon came over and guided me to the front of the class room where I hid behind him again. "You can take your seats next to Tsubaki up there." The teacher said while pointing to the girl who stood up. She had a long black pony tail and was wearing a dress with a star on her right breast. I feel like i've seen that star somewhere but i can't remember where. Davon and Eddie led me to the seat. Davon sat next to her and I sat next to him. Eddie sat on the other side of me.

The teacher started class and said we were doing a dissection. I smiled and all the other students groaned. I watched as he cut open the endangered bird. All the other students gaged but I was on the edge of my seat trying to see better. Darn my shortness. When the bell rang all the other students cheered and started packing up. I pouted and slowly started packing up. "I expect a summary on the dissection from everyone on my desk tomorrow." He started rolling out of the class room on his wheely chair. He fell on his face, groaned, then got up and left the class room.

The boy from earlier walked up to me and my weapons. I hid behind Davon."I came to apologize from earlier. My name is Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid for short." He said. He looked at my bangs and his eyes twitched. I hid behind Davon even more."I'm sorry, I have extreme OCD when it comes to symmetry." He said. I looked at the 3 lines in his hair then tilted my head a bit."Those lines.......Your a shinigami?" I asked. He seemed shocked that I made the connection. "Yes, How'd you know?" He asked. I hid behind Davon even more. "I'm kind of a bookworm." I said quietly."What was that?" He asked."She's a bookworm." Davon said.

"Oh, okay then. Wanna eat lunch together? I can introduce you to my weapons." He said. Davon turned and looked at me. I nodded and looked at Eddie. He shrugged. Davon turned back to Kid. "Sure we'll have lunch with you." He said. He nodded and made a 'follow me' motion with his arm. We grabbed our things and followed Kid.

-----------(Time skip cause i'm slightly.....just cause i'm lazy)--------------

We arrived at the cafeteria and we had met up with the whole 'gang' in the hall outside the class. We all sat at the same table. Me, my weapons and Maka sat on one side of the table while Kid, his weapons, and Soul sat on the other side. Tsubaki sat at the end of the table closest to Maka. We were in the corner and I was against the wall. I was in the middle of my weapons so the only way out was to have Maka and Eddie both get up. Kid was across from me and between his weapons who i now know as Liz and Patti. Patti likes girrafes and Liz seems pretty laid back.

I pulled me and my weapons lunches out of my bag. I handed Davon his lunch. He had a couple slices of homemade pizza and a soda. I handed Eddie his lunch next. He had a homemade hamburger and a soda. I got out my lunch last. I had a salad and a monster. Everyone except my weapons were staring at my drink. I swallowed the bit of salad that i had in my mouth. "Wanna try it?" I asked."Can we?" Maka asked. I nodded and handed her the can."You can wipe it if you want, i personally don't care." I said while returning to my salad.

Maka took a drink and handed it to Soul. He took a drink and handed it to Patti. Who took a drink and passed it to Liz. She took a drink and passed it back to Tsubaki. She took a drink and passed it back to me. I took a drink and sat it down. My weapons looked at me with expectant looks. "What?" I asked them."We can't have a drink?" Eddie asked."No." I said."And why not?" Davon asked. I reached in my bag and pulled out 2 more cans."Because you two have your own drinks." I said. They squished me in a hug."Your the best." They said."I know, now let go of me so i can eat my food." I said. The let go of me and opened their drinks. I looked around the table.

"Well, what do you guys think?" I asked. Maka, Liz and Tsubaki all said it was good. Soul said it was cool. Patti said it tasted awesome. I giggled at the way she said it. I looked at Kid who took another drink from it. I raised an eyebrow. When did he reach over and pick it up? Kid poured what was left in the can on my head."That stuff tastes horrible, How are you able to drink it?" He asked. He dropped the can in my salad.

I looked down at my lap and my bangs covered my eyes. My dark brown hair looked black because it was wet. I clenched my fists and took multiple deep and shaky breaths."She's gonna snap." I heard Davon whisper. I heard Maka and Soul get up and walk away. I stood up and picked the can up."I was drinking this you know." I said with no emotion in my voice. I flipped my head and my bangs stuck to the left side of my forehead."I was also eating that salad." I said. Kid raised an eyebrow."So? You left my scissors in the ceiling of the class room." He said. I climbed over Eddie and walked to the class room.

I jumped off the highest desk and pulled the scissors out of the ceiling. I walked back to the cafeteria. Kid had taken my seat. He grinned when he saw that i had his scissors. I threw them at him from the cafeteria door which was on the complete opposite side of the cafeteria. They just barely cut his ear. I walked over to the table and grabbed my bag. I looked at his ear and saw that I had just scratched it."Oh darn, i made a scratch on your ear. I was aiming for blood but i suppose having a scratch on your left ear and not your right one will just be enough." I had no emotion in my voice. Kid took the scissors out of the wall, with much difficulty, and handed them to me.

"Please make it symmetrical." He tried to make it sound nice but he practically demanded it. "And why should i do that?" By now we had an audience. I could feel their eyes boring holes into my back. At the moment, I truley didn't care."Because its not symmetrical and it needs to be symmetrical." He said."Then you do it yourself." I said before turning around and walking to the door. I turned my head and caught the scissors inbetween my index finger and middle finger.

I turned around and glared at Kid. He jumped and tried backing away but he was against the wall. I threw the scissors again and this time they landed in his left shoulder. He screamed in pain. "Your welcome." I said as i left the cafeteria.

Soul x OC x Death the Kid x Black*star fanfiction (Maybe lemon)Where stories live. Discover now