~5~[Metal Lee Goes Wild!]

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"All right everyone. From today, you'll start practicing with shuriken. You're all beginners, but it's okay. That's the reason why you're students at the Academy. Be extremely careful so you don't hurt yourselves or end up hitting your classmates." Shino advised his students with a worried tone.

When a shuriken flew past his face he quickly dodged to the side, letting out a yelp as he gave up on trying to help them not hurt each other.

In front of him were all the kids, each one throwing shuriken left and right at the targets behind him.

He quickly disappeared, re-appearing a safe distance away from the ambush of sharp object.

The students let out happy screams as they continued to throw rapid fire at their available wooden targets.

"No one's listening..." The bug user muttered to himself with a sweatdrop.

Sumire threw a shuriken, completely missing her target. "I just can't get it right." She mumbled, bringing a hand up to her body with a small blush on her cheeks.

"It would be more worthwhile if I just drew pictures." Inojin commented, landing a direct bullseye on his first attempt.

"Well, we've been forced to practice this sort of thing at home." Shikadai responded, throwing his identical weapon. It swiftly landed right next to Inojin's with a thud, making them both share the small red circle.

Metal Lee quickly took two shuriken out and threw them smoothly, stabbing them into the bullseye of his own target.

"Since I secluded myself in the woods and immersed myself in training, my shuriken is perfect!" He smiled, preparing another round of weapons to throw.

"He's pretty good." Shikadai commented from behind the bowl-cut boy, his arms resting behind his neck in a relaxing manner.

"Yeah." Inojin wore a small smile, a hand resting on his hip.

Metals face went grey. 'Sh-Shikadai and everyone are watching!' He freaked, and instead of the strong and flawless attempts from earlier, he weakly threw a lonely shuriken towards the target.

The weapon flew like a piece of paper, slowly floating back down to the ground as light wind made it dance around.

"Oh, my hand kinda slipped! That's weird!" Metal announced with an awkward laugh, his hands on his hips as he started walking to retrieve the shuriken.

"Move out of the way!" Boruto yelled, quickly running at the three. Shikadai and Inojin turned their heads to see the blond barreling towards them with a Demon Wind Shuriken. "This is how I do this!"

"Boruto, you dobe!" y/n cried, ceasing her practice so she could run after the boy to try to stop him.

Her own target was full of shuriken. Each one with a spike stabbed into the little red circle.

"H-Hey, Isn't that dangerous?!" Shikadai asked the blond with wide eyes. Boruto didn't respond, he just jumped up into the air and started spinning the large object against gravity.

"Demon Wind Shuriken! Let's go!" Boruto threw the rotating object at the target ahead with a hidden determination.

Shikadai and Inojin jumped out of the way to avoid disaster, but Metal was not so quick thinking. Instead, he stood there with a determined smirk as the weapon came rushing towards him.

"Such an unsteady shuriken. With my kick, I'll-!" The boy started his sentence with confidence.

"Metal!" Sumire called out, the entire class now watching the scene.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗹𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁 |Boruto Various x Fem. Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now