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"Well that's the thing cupcake it's a surprise" I he says, I just roll my eyes and start driving following his directions to wherever we're going.

"So where are we going" I ask after a few minutes of driving.

"Well it's a surprise cupcake" he says.

"Your not going to murder me are you" I say and he laughs but than whines in pain.

"If I was going to murder you, you'd be dead already" he says making my eyes roll.

"Well aren't you just lucky but Blake what happened last night" I ask hoping maybe he'd tell me.

"I told you Em, just a fight that went bad" I knew deep down there was more to the story than he was wanting to tell me.

"Than who was the man standing out the front of that house I dropped you at yesterday" I ask out of curiosity.

"Emily stop asking questions, it was nothing forget it even happened" he says his voice extremely deep almost like he was threatening me. I just nod and leave the subject alone but deep down his words had hurt especially because he didn't use a nickname but my full name instead.

After about two hours of driving with only the sound of the radio Blake tells me to pull over to the side of the road which I do. As I bring the car to a stop he jumps out and I follow meeting him at the front of the car and he grabs my hand pulling me into a path that leads into the lush forest that surrounds us. That's when I notice that Blake had a bag over his shoulder.

"Are you sure your not going to kill me" I say still hold Blake's hand as he leads us through the forest.

"I'm starting to think you want me to kill you but we're close" he says not even looking at me. Just as I was about to ask him another questions, he suddenly stops which causes me to walk into the back on him. I step around him rubbing my nose that was squished because of his back and stop at what I see. The grass was a lush green colour and the water around is Crystal blue you could see the rock below. I walk further into the area spotting a picnic table next to the river. I walk over and take a seat at the table and Blake dose the same.

"How did you find this place" I ask admiring our surroundings.

"My grandfather bought me here before he passed and he said to only being people who are special to me here" he says opening his bag and pulls out two sandwiches and hands one to me.

"It's beautiful" I say unwrapping my sandwich and taking a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich. But what surprises me more is when he pulls out two bottle of water and hands me one.

"It really is" he says looking at me which for some reason makes me blush.

"When did you even have time to do all this" I ask opening my water.

"I just slapped it together while I was waiting you because you take forever to get ready" he says.

"Thank you" I say. I couldn't even make a comeback for his remark because I was just so blown away by what he had done. Luckily for us it was a nice sunny day and warm enough that you could go swimming.

"It's so peaceful out here" Blake says out of the blue finishing his sandwich.

"It really is" I say also finishing my food. Sitting in the sun was starting to make me feel really hot so i stand up and start pulling my clothes off leaving me in just my underwear and luckily for me i had on a red lace set.

"What are you doing" Blake says raising an eyebrow at my actions but I just ignore him and walk over to the water. When I reach the bank of the water I dip my toe in and I immediately get goosebumps from the cold water. I slowly start to make my way into the water and once I'm deep enough I just float on top on the water. I look over to the table and see Blake taking his clothes off leaving him in just a pair of boxers and he proceeds to come into the water with me. He proceeds to do the same as me snd just float on the what.

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