Full circle

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"Get up you lazy bitch" someone shouts as a pillow is smacked onto my head. I pull the warmth of the blanket closer as protection for the person hitting me. Soon enough all the warmth is suddenly ripped away from me which make me groan and sit up rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Oh finally your awake" Ash says throwing the pillow back onto the bed.

"Damn women why you abusing me" I joke getting out of the bed but it only earns me a dirty look from Ash.

"Bitch we have to be at school in thirty minutes" she says shoving some clothes into my arms.

"We'll luckily I have a fast car" I joke as I start to pulling the clothes on quickly. Before I can even look in the mirror Ash grabs my hand pulling me to the bathroom to brush our teeth.

"We've got fifteen minutes" she says dragging me out the house I barely have enough time to unlock my car before we reach it. We jump in and throw our stuff in the back seat.

"Hold on chica" I say with a wink as I take off in the direction of the school.

We pulled into a car park just as the bell rang to start class. Ash immediately jumps out of the car and runs into the school trying not to be late for class which makes me laugh. Just as I step out of my car I hear the familiar sound of the rumbles of a motorcycle I look up and see it pulling into the car park next to me and smile.

"You didn't need to wait for me cupcake" he says when he gets his helmet off.

"You wish" I flipping my hair over shoulder as I start to walk into school. Blake quickly follows wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the school. We soon part ways when I've reached the class I need to be in.Luckily the teacher wasn't in the class yet so I just take my seat like nothing happened. Luckily class passed fasted and it was already lunch time.

"Have you seen the new boy" Mia asks as I sit down and a shake my head no in response.

"Well he's been asking for an Emily apparently he transferred from your old school" Bell says taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Oh there he is now" Mia says pointing behind me. I turn around to see who it might be and immediately feel sick to my stomach when I realise who it is. I stand up for the table and storm over to where the he stand and grab his arm, pulling him out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom.

"We'll that didn't take long" he says as I let his arm go.

"The fuck do you want" I spit at him trying not to sound scared.

"Well haven't you became quite the spitfire but we both know that's an act so stop acting tough honey" he coming close to me. I swallow hard letting my eyes scan his body. My eyes immediately stop when he flashes inside his jacket I see the handle of his gun just sticking out of the pocket.

"Not so though are we now sweetheart" he say with a massive smile on his face.

"What do you want" I ask trying to not let my emotions get the better of me. But unfortunately for me my voice breaks a little at the end which puts a sickening smile on his face.

"Don't play stupid you know what I want" he say grabbing my hips and pulling me close.

"I have not clue what your talking about Dean. I have no clue as to why you'd come all the way from LA to Canada to enrol in school when you're twenty" I spit at him which only makes him laugh and tighten his grip on me which pisses me off.

"Emily you still owe us money" he says and it confuses me as I had paid all the money owed.

"I paid that dept" I say which only earns a tisk noise in return.

"You may have paid your depts but what about your mothers" this makes me want to throw up.

"But Markus said I didn't need to pay that" I say letting the tears spring to my eyes.

"We'll that was before you ended things with James" he say and I let out a sob.

"What do I need to do" I ask letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

"Well choice one is you get back with James, choice two is you pay it back and choice three is you come back and work with us" he lays laying out my options. I knew there was no way I'd be able to pay of my mothers dept and there was to way I'd be able to move back to LA nor do I wish to work with them so I have only one option left.

"And was if I don't want to do any of those" I ask tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"All I can say is you won't be breathing for long than sweetheart" he says.

"Fine I'll call the scumbag" I say and he lets go as I pull my phone out and press call on James name. It rings twice before he answers.

"I knew you'd call, I take it you finally got some alone time with Dean" he say answering the phone.

"Yeah I'm with dean" I say leaving my voice every monotone.

"So I take it since you called your going to beg for me back" he says as I bite down on my though to stop myself from fighting back and telling him to shove it up is arse. 

"Baby I'm so sorry for what I did please take me back" I say trying to not breakdown.

"Ohh Emily I know you can do a lot better than that so I'll give you one more shot to get it right okay" he say making my heartbeat quicken.

"Ohh James baby I'm so sorry, I was so stupid to breakup with you it's been horrible with out you please take me back and we can have all our good times again" I say starting to cry.

"I guess that's good enough but I'll see you tomorrow Emily you still need to be punished for what you did also Deans sticking around till you can be trusted so you better get rid of the boy toy or it's lights out for his " he says and hangs up. That's what I feel the bile clawing it's way up my throat I quickly open a window and vomit. Once my body turned numb I turn around and dean is still standing there watching me. I try to shove past his to leave but he grabs my arm.

"You know I'll be around all the time now" he says with a smirk and I just pull my arm out of his grip and run no sprint out of the school to my car.  But unfortunately for me Im not that lucky and as I reach my car I hear Blake calling my name as I fumble with my keys. Just as I get the right key I feel a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"Cupcake what happened" he asks seeing the tears roll down my cheeks.

"We can't be friends anymore Blake" I say trying to push him away so I can leave but it doesn't work he only takes a step back and give me a concerned looks.

"Emily what's happened, who's making you act like this" he ask which only breaks my heart a little knowing what I'll have to do.

"I'm back with James so if you could please just leave me alone" I say unable to even look at him.

"Why the fuck would you get back with the dirt bag Emily he cheated" he shouts talking a step away from me.

"I know but you wouldn't understand" I say starting to tear up again.

"Than explain it to me Emily" he yells and I just look down unable to tell him and soon enough his feet disappeared out of my vision and I look up and he is no where to be found. I turn back around and climb into my car slowly starting to let all my tears fall, my hand forms into a fist as I punch the steering wheel from the frustration of the events that happened in just in a few hours. I start the car and start the journey home feeling defeated and pathetic. As soon as I'm home I immediately run inside avoiding everyone, going straight into my room climbing into the safety of my bed.

But nothing can stop James coming tomorrow so I better come up with a good excuse as to why we're back together. I try to think up excuses but my brain is numb and I slowly start to fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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