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Just as I was about let out a scream a large hand covers my mouth. I look over to see who was covering my mouth only to see Blake and I push his hand away.

"The hell are you doing Blake" I yell at him.

"What do you mean Emily" he says with a sweet smile.

"Jumping in my car and covering my mouth like some serial killer, like what the hell" I yell at home hitting him on the arm.

"Hey that's rude" he says rubbing the spot where I hit him.

"Yeah whatever, your in my car but nevertheless, why are you up at this time" I ask out of curiosity.

"Oh you know just ending a sleepover but why are you up" he says with a wink and I give him a look of discussed.

"I just have a lot on my mind" I say in a sad tone thinking about James.

"Is this about the boyfriend" he asks.

"He's acting weird I guess" I say with a groan.

"Well he is a guy what do you expect" says.

"What's that supposed to mean" I say giving him a weird look.

"Well he's a dude and he has needs at the end of the day" he just shrugs like it was nothing.

"I trust him after all we've together for ages" I say trying to sound reassuring.

"I'm just saying he's a dude" I just nod from this statement.

"Was there something you wanted anyway" I ask.

"Not really I just wanted to see you" he says and opens the door leaving walking back into his own house.

I just shake my head trying to get the whole conversation out of my head but something deep down believes what Blake said about James, after all he is guy but Blake and James are two totally different people so why am I having these weird feelings. I let out a groan with how annoying my brain was being.


The day past slow, like snail pace slow, but it was finally lunch and I was sitting with Bell, Ashley and Mia.

"What's wrong Em" Bell asked.

"Nothing" I say picking at my food.

"Not seriously what's wrong Emily you've hardly touched your food and hardly spoken a word" Mia says.

"I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me with my best friend from LA I say" and the girls look shocked.

"And what has put this into your head, you've only been here a few days" Ash says.

"Well long story short my boyfriend and best friend wouldn't be found in the same place together than suddenly once I'm gone their all buddy buddy it's weird" I say.

"Well if this girl is your real best friend she should have told you about talking to your boyfriend, like she should be your Intel in case something happens" Ash says.

"Well if anything is happening karma will do its deed on both of them" Bell says and just nod.

Suddenly I hear my name being yelled, I look up looking for who was yelling my name only to see Blake and Jace walking over. Once they reached us girls both Blake and Jace take a seat, Blake to my right and Jace sat next to Ashley, both Mia and bell say a hello to the boys.

"How's my favourite twin" Jace says throwing his arm around Ashley.

"I'm your only twin you big oath" Ash says shrugging her brothers arm off her.

"Hey Jace" I say grabbing his attention away from his sister.

"Oh hey Emily, it's been so long since the window, we should do that again" Jace say with a bit of a chuckle.

"What no hey sexy or handsome like last night" Blake says and I give him a weird look.

"The hell are you on about Blake" I say but before Blake can open his mouth Mia speaks up.

"How do you two know each other" she asks but before I can answer Blake decides to answer.

"She was watching me work out and I just had to say something, you know it's creepy to watch people" he says and I give him a look of confusion.

"That was not what happened thank you, plus I didn't even see you first I seen Zane plus he started speaking to me first like some weirdo through my window" I say as I grab Blake's thigh and dig my nails into him and he pulls whines out making me smile.

"Hey that's not every nice to say Emily" I hear a voice say I turn around to see both and Zane and Xavier, they both take a seat and we suddenly were in some random conversation. The conversation stops when we hear the screeching sound of something yelling for Blake, we all turn and see lacy walking our way and she doesn't look happy at all.

"Blakie boo why are you hanging around with these losers, especially this one" she says marking a gesture towards me. Before anyone can speak up I stand facing Lacy.

"I'd be watching who I call a loser honey, how's the bruise" I say smugly.

"I don't know what your talking about just keep your slut hands off my boyfriend" she says trying to look all high and mighty but if I was to even push her something would come flying out.

"Are we about to have a problem again Lace" I say taking a step towards her watching her movement like prey, she takes a step back and I give her a smug look.

"Run along" I say shooing her away with my hand, looks over my shoulder to Blake but eventually stops she foot like a child and storms out of the cafeteria. I take my seat again and everyone is look at me and I look at the confused.

"What the hell what that" Mia whisper yells and I just shrug.

"Yeah I've never seen anyone stand up to the queen bitch herself" Zane says.

"It's nothing guys just leave it alone" I say as bell rings. I quickly get up and scurry away from the group. The rest of the day was slow, I could hear people whispering and pointing wherever I went it was almost like no one had ever see Lacy back down.


Finally at long last I was reunited with my loving bed. Suddenly my phone starts to ring and I pick it up from beside me, to see that James was calling and I answer.

"Hey baby" I say but I get now reply but I hear a weird squeal kinda like a pig than the call ends. I decide to call him and it goes straight to voicemail, I sigh and put my phone down but than my phone vibrates.

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