Excuse You

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"What are you doing in my room" I question Blake.

"Oh you know I just wanted to pay the new girl a visit" he say placing the photo down than smoothly strolled over to where I was standing.

Now we're standing a little close but for some reason I just couldn't muster up enough strength to push him away.

"Why would you wanna do that Blake" I say just above a whisper.

"Can I pay my neighbour a visit" he says slightly moving forward making me move but I hit the wall than his hands cane up beside me trapping me. Than suddenly his lips were on mine. This was a major shock, but for some reason I kissed him back and it was like nothing I've ever felt before not even with James. The thought of his name made me realise what I was doing and I quickly push Blake off me with all my strength and he stumbled back a little and I reach out and slap him making his head turn from the force.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I scream at the shocked Blake.

"What do you mean" he says annoyed.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU DICK" I scream at him as he walks away to the window jumping into his room I quickly move to the window slamming it shut and locking it.


Two hours have passed since the kiss with Blake and for some reason my lips just wouldn't stop tingling since the kiss and my brain just couldn't get that damn kiss off it's mind, it was becoming annoying because I shouldn't be thinking of another guy when I already have one that I love dearly.

I decided that I needed to call James just to hear his voice and hopefully that'll get Blake off my mind. Picking up my phone i press James name and one ring in it ends which is weird so I call and same thing happens, so I decided to call Liam and two rings in he answers.

"hola hermanita" Liam answers.

"Hey Liam" i say not bothering to speak in Spanish.

"What's wrong Em, you sound upset" he says a bit worried.

"Jame won't answer his phone for some reason" I say.

"Oh, um, well I don't know anything about that" he replies weirdly.

"Okay, well I was just wondering if when you see him could you tell him called" I say.

"Yeah of course Em, but I've gotta run so I'll talk to you later bye" he quickly says and hangs up before i could say anything, which was really weird.

A knock on the door brought me out of my trance and Michael's head poops into my room.

"Dinner is ready Emily" he say and stand follow him down stairs. I take a seat as the food is place in front of us.

"Emily please stop playing with your food" Micheal say, I just mumble back a sorry I couldn't be bothered to put up a fight. But soon enough the table was cleared and I stayed seated at the table while the others left to do whatever but than Micheal walked in and took a seat with me.

"How was school" he asks.

" it was okay" I replied.

"Make any new friends" he says and I just nod " Emily what's wrong" he asks and I just shrug standing up walking to my room but Michael follows. I lay on my bed and Michael asked the same question again but this time I tell.

"My boyfriend won't answer my calls" I say annoyed.

"Well maybe he just busy Emily but when do I get to meet this boy" he asks.

"The end off this month hopefully if that's okay with you" I say and he nods.

"He just not to sleep in your room" I nod and whisper a thank you and he leaves closing my door behind him.

I decide to try and call James again this time he answers.

"Hey babe, Liam said you called what's up" he answers.

Hey, nothing I didn't know I had to have a reason to call my boyfriend" say annoyed.

"You don't but to call my brother because I didn't answer is just pathetic to be honest" the reply was harsh and it felt like he was stabbing me in the heart so I just whisper a sorry and it went silent.

"How's school been" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Yeah it was okay, Chloe said she missed you" he said.

"You and Chloé talk" I question because they never talked when I was around, they wouldn't even hang out in the same friend groups.

"Yeah we became friends not long after you left" he say with a bit of a cough at the end.

"Yeah okay, it would have been nice if you'd been friends when I was around but I guess means that you's can both come and see me at the end of the month if your still good with that" I ask.

"Oh yeah of course it'll be good to see you again and you can show us around the town" he says but for some reason I thought of Blake and than the kiss came back into my mind how it just felt so right and safe but I shook that feeling off and continued talking with James.

"Yeah of course, it actually really beautiful here" I say than I heard a knock on a door come through the phone.

"I've gotta go babe love you" James says really quickly and hangs up before I can say anything just like his brother which was really weird.

I sit up on my bed looking through my window into Blake's room i didn't expect to see Blake and some half make girl going at it through the window I quickly get up and shut the blinds and walk to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once I was done in the bathroom I lay in bed and try to fall asleep but my mind and other things in mind like why was James acting so weird and why was jams and Chloé talking but I eventually put that to the back of my mind and fall asleep.


I wake up early the sun only just starting to come through, I pick up my phone to look at the time and the light blinds me, I quickly turn the brightness down and the time was five fifty. After a good five minutes of trying to fall asleep again and being unsuccessful I decide to message Chloé.

E- hey 

After a good ten minutes I get a reply.

C- oh hey Emily, how's everything
E- everything's good, how's everything in LA
C- everything's good everyone misses you though
E- yeah I heard that you and James started talking when did that happen
C- oh that happen not long after you left I guess, I guess is both missing you brought us together as friends I guess
E- oh that's good than
C- well at lest it won't be awkward when we come and see you
E- yeah true

I could tell something was off just the way she was messaging me about James and being friends something was up but I just pushed that feeling aside I was just being crazy. I get up out of bed and decide I'll get ready for day and go for a dive than go to school. I quickly get dressed in some ripped jeans and a white shirt, I put my makeup on and quietly run down stairs grabbing my leather jacket as I go to the front door than to my car I quickly jump in and start it up but as I go to drive off  the passenger side door randomly opens.

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