I think im falling

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Nothing could possibly wipe the smile off my face well now that was very possible now that I sat at the table to with two demons sending me disgusted looks which I just ignore.

"We couldn't be prouder Em" Michael says breaking the silence as I just play with my food with my fork.

"Thank you Michael" I say giving him a smile. Sitting here you could practically cut the tension with a butter knife it's that thick. Suddenly Michaels phone rings he stands up and walks out of the room answering the phone.

"So who did you fuck to be able to get that cover" Lacy spits at me.

"I for one didn't need to fuck anyone to get what I want unlike you" I say sweetly back to her as I take a bite of my food.

"How dare you say that about my perfect angle" Stephane yells slamming her hand onto the table.

"I can't help that is true" I say but than I look up to Dylan and I feel my heart squeeze at the upset look on his face.

"Well if anyone's a slut it's you for running around with Blake" Lacy fires back. It takes all my will power not to fire back at her. I stand up from the table and wash up plate up. I walk back into the dinning room and see that Dylan has finishes all his dinner.

"Hey Dylan, do you wanna got play" I say and immediately his face brightens as he nods. Dylan runs over to me grabs my hand and pulls me up stairs into his room. The room was rather clean for such a young kid, I was expecting that there was going to be toys everywhere. I take a seat on the floor and Dylan drags a big box over and pulls out a handful of LEGO's and I smile and pour out the whole container, Dylan's eyes widen and his mouth drops open.

"We're not allowed to do that" Dylan says as I pick two pieces up.

"Rules are meant to broken Dylan" I say as an evil smile makes it's way onto my face. I leap over the lego's and softly tackle Dylan to the soft carpet below and I start tickling him. He squeals as my fingers wiggle on his ribs.

Suddenly there was a cough at the door which makes me pull away from Dylan and Michael is standing there.

"Can I talk to you please Emily" he says and I nod standing up. I follow him down stairs into a office and he shuts the door as I take a seat on the nice leather chair and he takes a seat behind the desk.

"I truly am sorry Emily" he says and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean Michael" I ask.

"I didn't think Stephane and Lacy would treat you this, this poorly" he say trying to say the right words at the end.

"Emily you don't need to have a relationship with them two if you don't want but I'd really like if we could at lest form a father daughter relationship before you leave. I know everything your mother had told you wouldn't have been good but there's always another side of the story" he continues before I could say anything. Everything he was saying was pulling on my heart strings because of course I wanted a relationship with my Dad.

"Why did Mom leave than" I ask wanting to know the true and Michael takes a deep breath.

"My mother, your grandmother never liked your Mom. She hated her and always tried to get in between your mother and I. She would even go as far as paying other girls to try stuff and luckily for me your mother always stayed with me. But one day your grandmother came over uninvited and I was running late for work so I had to leave and when I returned from work you both were gone. To this day I still don't know what was said but I've never spoken to my mother since. I loved your mother very dearly and I know it looks bad with Lacy being the same age as you but Lacy isn't my biology daughter, she's from Stephane's previous relationship, her biological father passed away from cancer when she was extremely young as she has only ever known me as her father" he says letting his voice shake with emotions in certain parts. But it was the last part that really shocked me.

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