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I pick up my phone again expecting it to be James, messaging me about why he didn't answer but it was some random number.

R- a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be frowning.

I read the message so confused and creeped out but I reply.

E- who is this and how did you get my number
R- you don't need to know who am, I'm just someone who wants to help and a little birdie gave me this number

The reply was weird but I decided to leave it. Than suddenly my phone starts to ring and Zane's name comes across my screen and I answer.

"Hey Zane" I answer.

"Hey Em can I ask for a huge favour" he asks

"Sure what's up Zane" I say.

"Can you come and pick me up please" he says in a bit of a pleading tone.

"Sure, just text me the address and I'll get you" I say grabbing my keys.

"Thank you so much" he says and hangs up and message me the address, I quickly type it into my gps on my phone as I walk down stairs but I was suddenly stopped by someone calling my name and I look back just the stairs to see Stephanie standing at the top of the stairs.

"Where do you think your going young lady" she say in a strict tone but it just made me wanna laugh.

"Out what dose it look like" I say back.

"Well your not going anywhere, not after what Lace told me. Seriously Emily why would you say such mean and hateful things to your own sister and even more in front of the whole school" she say strictly but I don't care how strict she sounds she isn't my mother nor will she ever be so I just turn around and walk out the door to my car as Stephenie calls my name from behind.

I jump in my car starting it and I start on my to go pick Zane up. Once I reached the address Zane had given me, I message him a simple I'm here and than suddenly my passenger door opens and Zane gets in and his shoulders are shaking almost like he's crying.

"Zane what's wrong" I ask him voice full of concern.

"Nothing Em can you just take me home" he says not looking at me.

"Sure but not until you tell me what's wrong Zane" I say putting a hand on his shoulder and he lets out a sigh and looks at me with watery eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"My boyfriend just dumped me" he says struggling to even get the words out.

"Well than he doesn't know what he just lost" I say starting to dive to Zane's. After a few minutes we arrived at Zane's house and we sat in silence.

"Please don't tell anyone" Zane says jumping out of my car walking to the front door.

I got back to soon, way too soon. As soon as I walked in the door Stephanie started screaming at me telling me I was grounded and all that but Michael decided to step in.

"Stephanie just leave it there's no need for a grounding or anything" Michael says.

"No Michael, she doesn't just get to disrespect me in my own home" she spits back. I just walk away from the argument into the kitchen grabbing some fruit than I walked up stairs to my room blocking out the arguing. Than suddenly my door slams open and Lacy just walks in.

"See at what your presence is doing to my family, you bitch" she spits at me and I just ignore her and she huffed stomping her foot she walks out of my room than my phone vibrated and it was a message from Blake.

B- look at the window

I look over to the window to see Blake sitting there and I get up from my bed and walk over to my window and open it.

"What's her problem" he asks making a gesture towards my door.

"Michael and Stephanie are fighting apparently it's a first and it's all my fault" I say rolling my eyes.

"That's just stupid" he says.

"Yeah and you date that" I say back than let out a little chuckle.

"Hell no, I don't date" he says, this made me curious.

"Whys that" I ask.

"I don't wanna talk about" he says as his whole attitude changed than my phone started vibrating I reach behind me and I look at who's calling, it immediately changes my mood for some reason and I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just put it back behind me.

"Who was that" Blake asks.

"James" I say back.

"Well why didn't you answer" he asked and I just shrug unsure of why myself.

"I don't know, things are weird I guess" I say in a sad tone.

"What do you mean" he asks.

"We'll do you ever feel like something bad is happening but you just don't know what" I say and he nods " well that's how I feel like something is happening with James and my best friend if you can call her that like it's one been about two weeks and I've only gotten one message from her"

"Well she not a real friend than" says shrugging.

"Yeah I guess but we'll see when she and James come and visit in a couple of weeks" I say than my phone rings again and I look at it, James name clear across my screen and I let out a sigh looking at my phone.

"Just answer the phone what's the worse that can happen" he says and I answer putting the phone on loud speaker

"Hey" I answer

"H hey babe" James slurs.

"Are you drunk James" I ask and he laughs.

"Nooo what gave you that idea" he says sliding it all together.

"I'm not dealing with you right now" I say and I hang up putting the phone back down.

"So that's the boyfriend" Blake questions.

"Yeah I guess" I reply.

"Seems exciting" he says jokingly and I just rub my forehead.

Blake and I continued to talk until I got to cold to sit at the window talking. But now I lay in bed in the pitch black thinking of why James was drunk and calling me, like I know I'm his girlfriend but to call drunk after not trying to call at all. My mind was racing with all different scenarios but all of them were confusing but I slowly start to fall asleep but with Blake on my mind.


The whole morning was horrible, Michael and Stephanie were still fighting and Lacy was being an A+ bitch, hiding my bag and keys making me late for school which resulted in a detention. But I was finally lunch and I was sitting with the Mia, Ash and Bell than suddenly the boys came over and sat down with us and we all looked at them like they'd grown 3 heads.

"The hell are you's doing" Mia asked.

"Yeah what are you doing here have I already have to deal with you enough at home Jace" Ash says glaring at her twin.

"It's rude to stair Ash you should know this" Jace reply's.

"Oh I was hoping that you'd catch fire than your presence won't be so annoying" Ash says and the brother sister start bickering back a forth between each other and the rest of us fall into a conversation.

The bell rang and everyone got up and left and as I was leaving someone grabbed my wrist and started dragging me. I eventually end up in the janitors closet and the person lets me go and Zane turned around looking scared.

"You didn't tell anyone about yesterday did you Em" he asked panicked.

"What no,of course not Zane, why would you ask me that" I say a little worried because he was starting to scare me.

"Well people are starting to say that I'm gay and only you and one other person know so I don't know how it's gotten out" he says so fast that I can hardly understand.

"I swear I didn't tell anyone Zane and plus I might just be some stupid rumour it is high school after all" I say putting a hand oh his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Yeah maybe your right" he says and give me a hug than walks out, than I walk out.

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