Hi baby

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I soon spot them in the crowd of people and everything started going in slow motion it seemed. I couldn't decide if I wanted to run and jump into James arms or to cry. But before I knew it both James and Chloe were in front of me.

"Hey baby" James says picking me up hugging.

"Hey handsome" I say hugging him back and giving him a kiss. When James finally puts me down, Chloe than hugs me which was really awkward. By the time we reach my car the sun was starting to peak out, we quickly pack the bags in and start stinging. At first it was really awkward until I decided to break the silence.

"So how have things been in LA since I left" I ask.

"Pretty bland to be honest" Chloe say.

"Yeah, you just bring a spark into our lives" James says with a chuckle at the end.

"Yeah, like when you decided it would be a good idea to put a whole bowl of spaghetti over jacks head or when you got into the fist fight with Liz, oh what good times" she says with a smile and a laugh which made laugh.

"Oh what about the party you had and than your mom came home" James says with a laugh.

"I literally thought her was going to murder me, I don't even understand how I'm still alive" I laugh.

We soon get back to mine and we unload my car, I lead them inside into my room where Chloe immediately falls asleep so I take James down into the living room. I turn the light on and take a seat of the couch with James and he pulls a white envelope out of his pocket and hands it me.

"It's just a letter from Liam he demanded that I give it to you" he says rolling his eyes.

"Thank you, so how's the family bee" I ask.

"Quiet to be honest without you and Liam constantly bickering" he says and I stick out my tongue out at him.

"No seriously how's it been" I ask seriously.

"Honestly people miss you, my family misses you, I missed you Emily" he say putting one of his large hands on my cheek but it didn't give me the feeling that Blake gave, when he touch me it was like fireworks.

"I missed you too James" I say but I feel so bad because I didn't really miss him, at the start I did but now I'm just confused. Suddenly James pulls me toward him and kisses me and I kiss back thinking nothing of it until James started to take my shirt off.

"What are you doing" I ask pulling away.

"What do you mean babe" he asked confused and I sit up.

"There's people here James and there's a kid as well plus I don't want theses people to walk in and see us making out" I say.

"Sorry, it's just been a long time and I just lost control" he says unable to look at me.

"Well we better head up and see if Chloes is awake" I say standing up. Things were awkward with James and I as we walked up to my room. As we walk into my room I see Chloe sitting on the side of my bed and she jumps when she see me walk in and throws something beside her.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I say with a laugh.

"Morning" she says stretching.

"Do you know where my phone is" I ask not feeling my phone in none of my pockets.

"Yeah it's right here" she said passing it too me and a message from Blake.

B- can we please talk

This was weird of Blake, I didn't seem like something he would message to anyone especially me but I just ignore it. Than suddenly my door slammed open and Lacy walked in, in full makeup and next to no clothes.

"What the hell do you want Lacy" I ask but she just ignores this was getting rather annoying that she keeps just walking in especially when she knows my boyfriend and friend are here.

"Well hello there handsome" Lacy say grabbing onto a very uncomfortable James.

"Lacy don't make me ask you again, what the hell do you want" I asked this time catching her attention as I moved to stand next to James.

"Well I just wanted to come say hello to our guests, and you ever so rudely ask me what I want" she says trying to sound sweet.

"Yeah, maybe when you have more clothes on, I think I can see a nipple" Chloe say and we both burst out laughing while Jame was just trying not to laugh. Lacy huffs and walks out of my room slamming the door close. Not long after Lacy left there was a knock on the door and Michael walked in.

"Hey kiddos" he says.

"Hey Michael, this is James and this is Chloe" I says gesturing towards each of them and Michael nods.

"Well breakfast is ready for you all" Michael says with a smile than walks out.

"Well I'm starving" James says and Chloe's nods in agreement.

"Come on than" I say and walk out of my room the both of them follow me to the kitchen to see Stephanie had make pancakes.

"James, Chloe this is Stephanie, Stephanie this is James and Chloe" I say introducing them

"It's lovely to meet you both" Stephanie says giving them both a smile.

"It lovely to meet you too Stephanie" they both say. I grab three plates handing one to James and Chloe and we grab some pancakes.


Yesterday past slowly, we didn't do much much but stay inside and talk about everything that had happened in LA since I'd left.

Today I showed both James and Chloe around Calgary. Everything was weird James and Chloe were constantly on their phones and whispering back have forth between each other, it seemed like I wasn't even there and I was kinda glad they had to leave tomorrow morning.

It was now late afternoon and I decided to go on a walk, to leave James and Chloe a lone I was over the whispering. I was half way around the block and decided to light up a cigarette as I walk. I soon reach the house again and I put out the cigarette, I stand out the front just standing and thinking but than I felt a hand grab me and start dragging me towards Blake's house and I'm dragged inside to Blake's room my back to the window and Blake blocking the door.

"What the hell Blake" I say as he lets my arm go.

"I'm sorry Em but why aren't you talking to me" he says almost pleading.

"I've been busy Blake" I say not really making any excuses.

"Emily be serious, you've been ignoring my messages and you've been acting weird since the other night" He says Freiling his arms about trying to make a point.

"Well maybe before you go kissing people how about you think about the person your meant to be dating first" I spit at him and he just looks confused.

"The hell are you on about Emily, I don't have a girlfriend" he says still very confused.

"Well that's not what Jade was saying and her words match up because I seen you with her in the morning after you'd just stayed with me Blake" I fire back him than his expression changed and he starts to laugh.

"Jade just asked for a ride and she a close family friend so mom made me and the kiss, it was a kiss on the cheek you plus I don't date" he says with a bit of a laugh but the last part got me, why didn't he date, what happened.

"Whatever you lie about having a girlfriend Blake" I say folding my arm.

"Yeah because your boyfriend is so honest now, hey" he says and I look at him confused.

"What's the supposed to mean Blake" I say very confused.

"Just look behind you" he says nodding towards the window, I turn around and look into my room only to see the most devastating thing.

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