Last night

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"I'm getting another drink" I yell at Jace who just nods, I walk about into the kitchen and make myself another drink than Blake entered the room.

"Hey, you came" he says rather enthusiastically which annoys me but I just ignore him and scull my drink before going back to Jace but Blake grabs my hand and starts to pull me outside.

"What the hell Blake" I say once Blake finally lets my hand go.

"What do you mean what the hell, what was that in there" he says angrily which confuses me.

"It's called dancing, I thought that would be obvious" I say pointing out the obvious.

"Ha ha, I know what it's dancing but really with two of my close friends Emily" he say crossing his arms over his chest.

"What about it Blake, we were dancing and I'm friends with them too so what's the big deal like seriously it's not like we're dating plus you were literally just sucking faces with Lacy so" I say trying to make a point.

"Their my friends Emily" he says and I just look at him confused.

"Yeah and their my friends too Blake, I don't get why your being such a asshole" I yell at him.

I'm so over this conversation with him but just as Blake is about to say something he's cut off by someone calling his name which makes us both turn to look back into the house only to see Lacy coming outside and she walks right up to us.

"Blake what are you doing with this thing" Lacy says looking me up and down like I was trash and I just roll my eyes at her as she throws her arms around him.

"We were just talking Lacy" Blake says giving her a smile.

"I'm done" I say to him than walk away back inside before I could see his reaction, I quickly grab a drink and I decide to look for Jace. On my search for Jace I run into a very drunk Mia dancing with some random dude who's face I couldn't see, she walks away from the dude stumbling over to me.

"Oh my god Em, I'm so drunks she slurs out to me and I laugh.

"I can see" say with a small laugh and she just sticks her tongue out at me goes back to the dude she was dancing with and I just shake my head at the crazy drunk girl. I turn going back into the kitchen to get another drink but I also find Jace in there talking with some guy.

"Hey I finally found you" I say to Jace caching his attention as I walk over to him and his friend leaves.

"What took you so long" he asks and I took my eyes.

"Blake" I all I say and he just nods.

"Should have known" he say looking annoyed.

"What do you mean" I ask confused.

"He has a thing for you" he say and I laugh.

"Yeah and pigs fly" I say still laughing.

"Well word has it that you too have been getting cosy" he says taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah because he invites himself over all the time" I say annoyed.

"We'll get use to it if he sees something he like he'll usual go after it" he says rather casually like it happened a lot.

"I'd like to see him try" I say with a smile but for some reason I take a step towards Jace.

"Oh really now, prove it" he say challenging me and for some reason I kiss him, this must have shocked him because he didn't kiss back so as I go to pull away and apologise, he suddenly starts kissing me back placing one hand on my hip pulling me closer to him and my arms wrap around his neck. After making out for a minute or two pull away.

"Damn that's one way to prove it" he says a bit flustered which makes me laugh.

"Blake is a asshole especially after he was sucking faces with Lacy but after everything I don't know" I say.

"Yeah I get what you mean" he says looking deep I thought.

"Let's go back and dance" I say grabbing his hand dragging him onto the dance floor and he just laughs from behind.

We join everyone one on the dance floor acting like idiots with not a care in the world. All of us together except Blake, dancing around half drunk having a good time with no drama. After about an hour of dancing we'd lost Mia and her mystery guy but Jace and I had gone outside to get some air.

"You look really pretty" Jace says catching my attention away from the darkness of the back yard to him.

"Not to bad yourself" I say winking at him and he laughs at me.

"You are so drunk" he says with a chuckle. For some reason this reminded me of him, the night that it all happen, everything came flooding back all the horrible memories of that night that destroyed me.

"Em, Em" Jace says waving is hand in front of my face, which brought me out of my memories.

"Sorry Jace" I say giving a smile.

"Are you okay, you kinda spaced out there for a moment" he says a bit concerned.

"Yeah I'm good" I say with a smile trying to shake of the memory.

"Do you wanna head back in" he asks.

"Actually I think I'll get going" I say and he just nods.

"Let's go find the girls than" he say and we head back inside. We find Ashley in the kitchen getting another drink.

"Hey Ash, I'm gunna get going" I say catching her attention.

"Really already" she says and I just nod.

"Do you know where Mia is though" I ask look out into the dance floor.

"I haven't seen her since she went up stairs with random dude" she say and I give her a quick hug and grab Jaces hand and start dragging him up stair to find Mia. If I'm honest, I'm scared anything could be happening, I mean non of us know who this random guy is. The first room we go to is Ashley's and it's locked, I put my ear up to the door and there muffled talking coming  from inside.

"I thinks she's in there" I say to Jace and than I knock nothing can be heard but that sound of the music playing down stairs.

"Mia are you in there" I yell and start bashing on then door than there's a sudden scream from inside, Jace push's me aside and barged the door down with ease what was inside made my stomach turn.

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