Coming out

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Why was this place so confusing, I've only been here for two and a half weeks and it seems like there's almost always something happening. The fact that Zane thought I'd tell people he was gay kinda hurt but I understood why, it made me wonder if the boys knew about him being gay but I wasn't going to tell them.

The day past slowly nothing interesting happening Stephanie and Michael were still frighting and Lacy was still a bitch. Late into the night Blake messaged me to come to the window, I walk over opening the window.

"Hey" I say catching his attention, this had almost came a nightly thing he would message me and we'd just talk sitting at the window about random stuff.

"Hey Em" he says with a smile.

"What's up Blakey boo" I say teasing him knowing he hates the nickname.

"I really hate when you call me that" he says giving me a death glare, it's lucky looks can't kill or if he six feet under.

"You secretly love it" I say giving him a smile.

"Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night Cupcake" he says trying to tease me.

"Cupcake" I question.

"Yeah you have a nickname for me, now you have one too Cupcake" I says like it was simple logic.

"Whatever" I say poking my tongue out at him.

"Have you spoken to James" he asks and saddens me a little.

"We haven't spoken in like two or three days" I say and it wasn't like I wasn't messaging James it was the fact that he wouldn't reply or if he did it was hours apart and it was we weren't even together which makes me question if he is will flying here next week.

"Oh, have you spoken with Zane lately" he asks quickly changing the topic.

"Now that you mention I haven't really seen him at all since Tuesday" I say.

"It's stating to be concerning he won't message anyone back and Xavier has hardly seen his brother all week which is really weird" he says scratching the back of his neck trying to hide this blush that came to his cheeks.

"Well maybe we should pay him a visit" i say standing up.

"Meet me out the front than Cupcake"  he says but just as we go to close our windows my door opens and Dylan walks in with tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes, I look over to Blake and he shrugs.

"Emily I had a bad dream" he says struggling to get the word out and look over to Blake and mouth help, he simply just rolls his eyes at me but jumps through the window into my room as I pick Dylan up and place him sitting on my bed.

"What was the dream about" I ask trying the comfort the kid.

"Well there was this monster and it was yelling at me and my friends and I told him to stop but he just pushed me and this monster was really scary and than this other monster came along and stuck up for us than the monster started fighting really bad" Dylan says through tears and I realise that the monster could be Michael and Stephanie as they haven't been getting along very well.

"Well that monster isn't very nice now but you can avoid the tickle monster" Blake says than starts ticking Dylan making him cry out in laughter squirming around like a fish out of water. After a few minutes everything had calm down and he put Dylan back to bed in his room, than we quickly snuck out to my car and I start driving to Zane and Xavier place.

"That was nice of you" Blake says teasingly and whack his shoulder.

"Shut up, I can be nice" I say and he laughs.

"Whatever you think Cupcake, but it was nice of you to help Dylan even when you don't like the family"he say this time being serious.

"Hey if I wasn't for you I wouldn't know what to do to be honest, kids are so confusing" I say rubbing my neck shyly.

"That's obvious you looked so scared when you seen him" he says than bursts out laughing and I even laugh a little because I was scared. Than we fell into a silence and not the awkward type, it silence was comfortable.

Blake and I had been getting close since him kissing me and even Bell and Mia have become friends with all the boys, there was never a dull moment with them. But I have a feeling that things are going to change when James and Chloé come and not in a very good way.

We pull up out the front and Xavier is out the front he than walks over to my car and jumps in, we share our hello's.

"Zane's missing" Xavier states.

"What do you mean missing" I ask Turing around to look at him.

"Look can I just explain this when we're all together" he says running his hand over his face and I just nod starting up my car and driving to Jaces place which was only around the corner. Once Jace was one the car Xavier starts talking.

"Zane isn't answering any of my messages or my calls, Mom and Dad are starting to ask questions about what's happening because I've been covering for him" Xavier says quickly.

"We'll do you know where he might be" Jace asks.

"Not really other wise I wouldn't be asking y'all for help" he says.

"Hey we're all brothers here so we wouldn't let you go through this alone" Blake says to Xavier who says a quick thank you. This got me think to when Zane messaged me to pick him up from that address. I quickly start driving to where I'd picked zane up.

"What are you doing we doing know where to look" Xavier says but I just ignore him. Quickly arrive at the address, I get out of the car and walk up to the door and knock, a guy answers the door.

"Yes" he asks looking at me like a crazy person.

"Do you know where Zane is" I ask and he looked at me shocked but that his expression quickly changed as he than looks behind me seeing that Blake had stepped out of the car but only stood beside my car.

"I don't know who your talking about" he says closing the door but I stop it with my foot push I open.

"I'm not going to ask again, where is Zane" I say starting to get very annoyed and his Adam's apple moved up and down showing his nervousness.

Than suddenly Zane come into view standing next to the dude with his head down than suddenly the boy were right next to me questioning him than he lost it.

"Shut up I'm fine" he says rather loudly in a huff.

"Where have you been Zane, you haven't answered any of my messages, I can only cover your ass from mom and day for so long, and what are you even doing here" Xavier says to his brother, this make Zane look away in shame.

"Is this about the rumour going around at school because you I can end that real quick" Jace says giving a wink.

"I'm gay, okay, the rumours are true okay" Zane yells and the boys didn't even seem shocked.

"Is this seriously what this is all about" Xavier says rather annoyed and Zane nods.

"Your my brother, don't you think that I kinda picked up on the fact that you like guys" Xavier says throwing his hands up and the boys nod in agreement and Zane just looks baffled by his brothers words.

"You's all knew, how" Zane asks.

"We're all brothers here dude do you really think that we wouldn't notice that you don't check chicks our or anything like that" Blake says this makes Zane smile.

"Will you please come home zane" Xavier asks and zane nods kissing that man on the cheek and says a quick goodbye and we walk to my car.

After Blake and I had drop the boys off home he came back to mine and we payed in my bed talking but I was slowly falling asleep but just before I could fall completely asleep I hear Blake whisper.

"He really doesn't deserve you" he says placing a hand on my cheek cresting it and for some reason I move so I'm cuddling Blake and he even cuddles back not before removing his shirt.

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