Chapter 5

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Date chapter

Y/n POV: We arrived at the beach and there i see a picnic and a blanket all set out

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Y/n POV:
We arrived at the beach and there i see a picnic and a blanket all set out.
I smiled at the thought rafe set this up .

Rafe: you like it y/n i did this for you
Y/n: yes i love it rafe no one has ever done this for me before
Rafe: not even JJ?
Y/n: not even JJ
Rafe: wow I'm shocked anyway enough about him this is about us y/n just me and you

We both smile at each other and sit on the blanket

Rafe: so tell me about you then like i know you and all but no well enough
Y/n: well i like surfing so don't get mad at me because I'm a kook and that's what pogues do but i enjoy it, i like reading, watching horror movies, love late night walks, dates and parties i guess
Rafe: surfing seriously y/n
Y/n: i kn-
Rafe: shut up

He pulls me in and kisses me deeply I wasn't expecting it at all, there is just something about him though that feels weird. (Mhm maybe him killing people) forget it y/n enjoy the moment with him seen as you agreed to the surf date tomorrow with JJ.

I smile at rafe and he starts talking about himself but i couldnt stop starting at his blue ocean eyes.

We walked on the beach after we packed everything away and splashed each other with water we took some pictures

A:N- yes okay they have snapchat and tik tok and every other social media platform

A:N- yes okay they have snapchat and tik tok and every other social media platform

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A:N- yeh not the best photos but just ideas so go with it :)

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A:N- yeh not the best photos but just ideas so go with it :)

The night was getting colder as it reached 2am, rafe gave me his jacket which was huge on me and his Cologne was really strong but he smelt nice. We walked back to his car and he drives me home i told him not to stay the right because of what is happening tomorrow i dont want him to be mad but i want it to be right with JJ again.

Rafes car pulled up to my house and he let me out and kissed my forehead goodbye.
Y/n; thank you for tonight i loved it
Rafe: I'm glad you did, hey ill see you soon y/n
Y/n: bye rafe goodnight
Rafe: goodnight

Then he disappeared into the night, i headed off to bed as i got to be up early tomorrow to meet JJ I'm so nervous but why maybe i still like him and i want it to work but then there is rafe. I'm so frustrated right now i need some sleep i quickly get changed into an oversized t shirt and put my hair in a messy bun and gets comfortable in my bed then as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.

Rafe pov:
All day I've been busy planning tonight i want it to be perfect and i dont want help but that makes me look like i dont care about her or this date and i do care for both. Ive been back and forth leaving topper and Kelce at the beach making sure it doesnt get ruined whilst i grab the things i need to make it perfect.

*time skip*
I picked y/n up from her house and there she is walking to my car in short demon shorts that show her bum that i get to see tonight and her long brunette hair all curly and a cream crop top that make her boobs look big. God this girl drives me insane man.

We arrived at the beach and i see the picnic and a blanket all set out still sitting there all perfect the way i left it.
I see a smile appear on her face when she sees it  which put a smile on my face because she likes it.

We both smile at each other and sit on the blanket and talked for hours to get to know each other more because its why i set up this date in the first place to know her better.

I pulls her in for a kiss and i could tell  she wasn't expecting it at all, i see her smile at me and stare at her (your eye colour) eyes.

We walked on the beach after we packed everything away and splashed each other with water we took some pictures, not going to lie the photos we took are cute.

The night was getting colder as it reached 2am, i gave her my jacket as I could tell she was cold. We walked back to my car and i drive her home she told him not to stay the night  when i asked i could but i get it she doesn't want to rush things, i saw goodnight and head back to my house but the drive home i couldnt stop thinking about the way her hair was blowing in the wind or the way she smiles or the way she talks and the way her figure is just perfect I've never been head over heels for a girl before. I headed through the front door of my house and see Rose and Ward talking in the living room

Ward: where have you been son?
Rafe: with y/n
Rose; Toppers sister?
Rafe: yeh
Ward: okay invite her over for tea tomorrow night son
Rafe: yes ill text her now

I head up to my room and change into some underwear and grab my phone and stare at the photo i took of her without her looking and i put it to my home screen then i text her

Rafe: hi princess, want to come round for tea tomorrow if you are free my family want to see you
*off messages*
No answer she must be asleep , i lay down and head to sleep.

A:N- we will soon find out about ward and rafe killing but will it make y/n re think things  about rafe  will she still like him and want to be around him?

Hope you liked this chapter

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