Chapter 25

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Back in OBX

Finally back in OBX and i couldn't be happier i go straight home as everyone else did and was sad we lost the cross again.
I go home and see Topper and the news says we are all missing
Topper: y/n is it you?
Y/N: yes its me

He hugs me tight and doesn't let me go for awhile "i cant lose you your the only thing left" he says crying "i will never leave topper" i say crying in his arms.

We break the hug and i go upstairs and stay in bed and watches movies.

*weeks later*
The Camerons have gone for weeks now ans I have spoken to Rafe and  he keeps messaging me saying sorry and he misses me but I'm not going to lie i miss him too, we have FaceTimed as well and told me he will be home soon.
For most of the days i stayed in bed not wanting to leave and some days i met the pogues which cheered me up.
We wasn't missing anymore and everyone was glad we was back and safe well mainly me as the kooks don't like the pogues.

I get up out of bed and puts a smile on my face and gets ready for work as I missed a lot of shifts as i didnt pick up as i was "missing" and needed time to myself. I get my work clothes on and puts my hair in a high ponytail and Topper takes me to work, i see JJ also working and he gives me a soft smile and i smile back at him. This shift was long but it helped and i was out the house.

After 12 hours of working JJ takes me home on his motorbike and i head off to bed thinking about rafe and when he is going to be home as i miss his touch. I message him goodnight and he replies quickly saying he loves me which I haven't heard in a while and it melts my heart then i reply with i love you rafe and i turn my phone off and falls asleep.

*The day Rafe is back*
3 days passed and them days were boring all i did was work and today is my day off and i dont have anything planned all the pogues are busy then my phone pings Meet me outside in 20 minutes , i smile and glad Rafe is back in OBX so i quickly get some white demin shorts, a black crop top and some trainers, i do my hair n platts and doesn't put any makeup on. I walk downstairs and says bye to Topper then i see Rafe pull up in my drive "get in y/n" he says smiling. I walk to his truck opens the door and sees a teddy and some chocolates for me i blush and he smirks and then i get in.

"Where we going Rafe" i say as he holds his hand on my thigh "somewhere" he says smirking but keeping his eyes on the road. The drive to where Rafe was taking me was quite but not awkward which i liked. We arrive and he grabs my hand gently and puts a blindfold on me "this isn't how i like o be blindfolded" i say smirking he kisses me and laughs at what i just said then walks me slowly to the place.

"Take the blindfold off" Rafe says i does what he says and i see a table with food on it all set out with soft music playing in the background "this is so cute" i say walking to the table "I'm glad you like it" he says whilst pulling my chair out to let me sit down first, "such a gentleman Rafe" i say blushing. The food was my favourite food.

"I'm glad you are back I've missed you Rafe" i say
Rafe: i missed you too princess
Y/n: how was your little getaway
rafe: well seeing you on the boat made me happy but sad that you didn't want to see me
y/n: because i was mad at you rafe for hurting me
Rafe: i know i am truly sorry for that and I'm changing for you i promise
Y/n: when i see it i will believe it Rafe
Rafe: and you was right my dad chose Sarah over me
Y/n: he uses you and pushes you around Rafe and I hate how he treats you
Rafe: its okay y/n i just dont want you to leave me again
Y/n: I promise I won't leave you again

He leans over and kisses me on my lips and smiles in between kisses, we finish our food and dessert and dances for a bit as the music was still playing the song playing was "perfect" by Ed Sheeren and we danced to it then we left and Rafe takes me back home.

The ride home was nice and I couldn't keep my eyes off him and every time i looked at him i blushed more and i think he noticed, he pulls up into my driveway kisses me goodbye and goodnight then drives back home.

I get to my room and was so happy to have Rafe back i take my clothes off and sleep in one of Rafe's tops and ges into bed and goes on Instagram
Rafe Cameron tagged you in a photo
I click on it and see

Caption: the stars looked pretty tonight but she is prettier Tagged: Y/n Thornton Likes: Y/n Thornton, Kelce and 833 othersComments: Y/n Thornton: i guess you can be cute <3Kelce: this man is head over heels for her ^kelce man digging me in the di...

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Caption: the stars looked pretty tonight but she is prettier
Tagged: Y/n Thornton
Likes: Y/n Thornton, Kelce and 833 others
Y/n Thornton: i guess you can be cute <3
Kelce: this man is head over heels for her
^kelce man digging me in the dirt
Topper Thornton: better treat her right or i will hurt you
^ i will
Sarah Cameron: okay you two are a hot couple
Rose Cameron: glad you got the girl
^so am i
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I smile at the photo and caption and then i post

Caption: I will forever be yours Tagged: Rafe Cameron Likes: Rafe Cameron, Wheezie Cameron and 923 others Comments: Rafe Cameron: and i will forever be yours Sarah Cameron: never thought Rafe would be happy ^same here JohnB: unexpected couple JJ M...

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Caption: I will forever be yours
Tagged: Rafe Cameron
Likes: Rafe Cameron, Wheezie Cameron and 923 others
Rafe Cameron: and i will forever be yours
Sarah Cameron: never thought Rafe would be happy
^same here
JohnB: unexpected couple
JJ Maybank: glad you are happy
^thank you JJ means a lot
Kiara Carrera: Prince and Princess < King and Queen
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I put my phone on charge and falls fast asleep.

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