Chapter 9

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Y/N pov:
I wake up and see JJ still laying next to me i check the time its almost 2pm then i see rafe spam calling and texting me i text him back to stop him from worrying.

*on messages*
Rafe: y/n
Answer now
What you thinking you are doing
Are you and JJ together
Y/n where are u
Y/n i need you
Answer me please
Y/n I'm coming to find you
Y/n please
Are you alive
( okay 20 messages is to long so here is a few of what rafe texted y/n)
Y/n: yes rafe im alive I've only just woke up and so what if I'm back with JJ you was just using me anyway for sex
*off messages*

John B comes running in i went to work today and i see Ward and Rafe are not home i look around the house and find this compass
Pope takes a look at it
JJ takes it from Pope "ruuuu- reeeee"
John B: its says red field
Y/n: I'm confused
JohnB: its my dads
Y/n: what
JohnB: yeh he's been missing for some time now and this was in Wards office
JJ: why would ward have it
JohnB: i dont know they were friends

We then hear a car pull up we check to see who it is and we don't recognise them we all hide in John b's room and a voice goes
"We know you are here" whilst loading his gun
kiara: where is your gun JJ
Y/n: gun?
JJ: i dont have it on me
Y/n: you have a gun?
JJ: yes i do
Kiara: the one time we need it you dont have it

The men were wrecking everything
Y/N: help with this window now
JJ holds the door with John B and everyone helps with the window

We get it open and all get out and hide with the chicken i was curled up next to JJ who was holding me in his arms he kisses my head then we hear car doors slam close and the engine on we wait a few minutes to make sure the car has gone then we get out and JJ and y/n head back to y/n  to get cleaned up as you knew Topper isn't home on Mondays until late.

We arrive and head upstairs to get cleaned up before we all meet up again to find what red field means. JJ grabs my waist and tuns me around so our faces were so close he then pushes his lips against mine then pushes you on your bed. He takes your orange dress off and reassured you it was okay. It felt nice seeing hearing him reassure you because rafe never did. You miss JJ like this a lot.

JJ takes his clothes off and says "ride me baby like you use too" you smirk and get on top of him. He slowly puts it in "you okay" he asked while holding you. You let out a small whimper 'mhm" you moaned. His 7 inches were inside of you "okay you ready" he says whilst holding eye contact with you "ready baby" you say whilst starting.

JJ's dick was throbbing in and out of you and he was starting at your boobs as you are still riding his dick. He moans " Fuckkkkk y/n such a good girl". He kept asking if you were okay and it made you feel happy and safe that he does that so he knows you are not hurting. After a few minutes you swapped positions JJ is on top of you now and puts it in and slides his dick in and out of you again, it was throbbing for you making you wet. You asked him to speed up and he did making you both moan really loud. As he was pounding inside of you it felt so good that you missed this feeling and glad you were back together.

You held onto his bicep as he held you close both moaning. "You gonna cum for me cupcake?" He asked in between moans. You cured on his dick and he came in you "so fucking good for me y/n" he said out of breathe.

End of SMUT

He pulled out and helped you get cleaned up, you get up off your bed to walk over to your bathroom for a shower and you struggle to walk

JJ: i fucked you good i see
Y/n: shut up and help me JJ
JJ: I'm showering with you
Y/n: okay okay

You both get in the shower and he puts shampoo and conditioner in your hair and raises it out you smile at him and you both help each other with putting soap on your bodies then you get out and dry off. Your phone rings Kiara is calling
*on phone*
Kie: you almost done
Y/n: yes just got out of shower give me 45 minutes all come to mine we can figure it out here
Kie: sounds good y/n bye
Y/n: bye kie

*off phone*

You dry and platt your long brown hair then grab some blue demin shorts and a baby pink crop tops and white air forces you didn't put any make up on then you check your phone and see rafe still hasn't replied you you leave it you have JJ now and he makes you happy you take some pictures and post on your Instagram.

photo you post of you and JJ Tagged: JJ Maybank Liked: Jj Maybank , Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron and 432 othersComments disabled

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photo you post of you and JJ
Tagged: JJ Maybank
Liked: Jj Maybank , Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron and 432 others
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You hear a knock at the door and open it and see Kie and the others with the stuff you head up to your room and see JJ coming out of the bathroom everyone says hi then sits in a circle on the floor.

JohnB: Redfield Isn't a place it's a person i figured it out
Y/n: well lets go

We all headed into the truck and head to where John B thinks red field is

We arrive and all split up

Y/n: hey guys who's Olivia Redfield?
John B: my great great grandmother guys its her Madian name
JJ: help me with this door guys
John B and Pope: one , Two, three
Y/N: go
JJ: are you pushing
Pope: I'm pushing
JohnB: its never going to move we need to find a different way
JJ: we didnt come this far to get this fair alright
Y/n: we got this look up there i think I can get up i will need a boost
JJ: no I'm not letting you
Y/n: look who else will we all here hate snakes and look JB its for your dad so let me
John b: let her
Pope: ready y/n
Y/n: I'm always ready
John b and JJ: one, two , three
Y/n: okay flashlight guys
*JJ hands you a flashlight*
*you scream*
Everyone : you okay y/n
Y/n: I'm okay snakes scare me

A few minutes later you find something and hand it down to one of the boys then get out all wet and cold you pick up your shoes and someone comes with a flashlight you all run and climb over the gate. You all head back to John B's and open it up. You was all disappointed its not gold guys. "Gold what you on about" you say confused, they all explain the gold to keep you up to date with everything.

After a few minutes John B figures out its the royal merchant and they need a map.
Sarah: i saw a map in my dads office
JohnB: lets get it
Y/n: you two go we still stay here
Johnb: good idea y/n

*john b and sarah go to Sarah's to get the map we wait a few minutes y/n goes to the toilet*
Kie; so JJ hows you and y/n?
JJ: we are good
Kie: I'm glad
JJ: I'm so glad she gave me another chance
Kie: you told her Lily spiked your drink
JJ: no i need too but i dont know how
Kie; she is coming now tell her before its too late.

JJ takes you aside and explains that whole night you feel really bad for lashing out and him and fucking Rafe but no one can know about the Rafe part ever. Y/n kissed JJ and headed to kie and pope you waited then your phone pings. B

New message from Rafe; y/n i dont want to speak to you or see you ever again so leave me alone

You see the message and air it you couldnt deal with him now you had the royal merchant to deal with and this was way more important than Rafe.

John B and Sarah come back and you see that its in the middle of the ocean.
pope: guys I'm going to head home its late and my dad is worrying about me
Everyone: okay bye pope you coming to find this tomorrow
Pope: sorry i cant helping my dad and got an interview sorry guys
JohnB: its okay I'm going to head home too Sarah you coming?
Sarah: coming JB
Y/n: guys I'm not coming tomorrow I've got work sorry guys ill meet you in a few days but keep me updated
JJ: will do baby

Everyone head homes and you change into JJ's top and you fall asleep fast.

Long ish chapter
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Rafe and y/n will be together soon

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