Chapter 18

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*A year later*
Y/n pov:
A year has passed since John B and Sarah "dead" and we are all just trying to move on but its hard, me and JJ have been together for 11 months now and its gone fast, he treats me better then he did before and Kie and Pope are still together as well. We all still meet up but you know who I haven't seen in a while is Rafe it's weird he is the kook prince and hasn't been around but maybe its because of what he did on that runway that day and that always plays in my head at night wondering if he would of ever shot me or any of the pogues.

As its John B and Sarahs 1 year death anniversary we are all meeting up at their grave. I get some demin shorts on and a pink top with white airforces that I haven't worn since that night with rafe on the beach, i brush my hair and put on some make up then heads to their grave.

There i see Pope, Kie and JJ waiting for me to arrive "guys I'm here" i sat whilst walking to them and placing flowers on their grave, "To JohnB" JJ says raising his flask up "and to sarah" Kie says getting the flask from JJ as we passed it around and stayed at their grave for awhile.

John B pov:
Here's a fun fact everyone dies it just a matter of time of when. But when me and Sarah went into that storm we survived i don't know how but we ended  up of this bought that is going to the Bahamas where the gold is.

I wake Sarah up as we was almost there the captain comes in telling us to go on the bridge we wait there until we realise that its a trap and we quickly smash a window and run for our lives. "This way" i say running making sure Sarah is still behind me "i know a place we can go" Sarah says grabbing my hand. We arrived at a 5 star hotel "what in the world sarah you sure this is a good spot" i say following her "yes trust me" she says.

I spot a phone and text the pogues we are alive

(Pretend this is the photo form season 2 i couldn't find it) The pogues gc: John b: hey

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(Pretend this is the photo form season 2 i couldn't find it)
The pogues gc:
John b: hey

Y/n pov:
Back to college and all eyes are on us then everyone's phones pings i look at it first i gasp "John b" i say everyone looks at their phone and sees the message as well and the photo and was shocked
JohnB: hey
Y/n:John b this you?
JohnB; who else y/n how are you and JJ is he treating you right?
JJ: i sure am man
Kie: how is sarah ?
JohnB: its sarah I'm goo kie i miss you all
pope: we miss you too come home
JohnB: soon i promise we are in the Bahamas

*end of messages*
Kie: Bahamas what
Y/N: that's mad
JJ: they are alive what

We all head to class and couldn't get the thought out my head that John B and Sarah are alive and have been all this time.

*after college*
I head home and stay with Topper who I haven't seen in a while
Y/n: Top do u want to spend time together we haven't done that since mom passed and dad moved away?
Topper: sure y/n what you want to do?
Y/N: lets bake and put music on
Topper: sounds good i go the ingredients out

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