Chapter 8

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Y/n pov:
I wake up to my phone ringing i check it and see i have 4 missed calls from sarah , 6 from JJ and 8 from Kiara, i ring Sarah

*on phone to sarah*
Sarah: thank god you are alive you coming on the boat today
Y/n: wouldn't miss it
Sarah: let the group chat know you are alive too
Y/n: i will
*end phone*

Pogues 💚
Y/n: I'm up guys and I'm coming
JJ: thought something happened to you
JohnB; awww JJ cares
JJ: I'll always care about y/n
Kiara: stop with that y/n meet in an hour at usually spot
Y/n: will do

I get up and head downstairs and i see Topper, Rafe and kelce sitting in the living room i walk past them hopefully they don't see me but then i feel eyes on me. I dont turn round but i say "its rude to stare boys" whilst making some food (no topper isn't looking at you) you turn round and see rafe still checking you out , you walk past him and goes to get ready.

You pick out a pink psychedelic bikini and keep your air down and messy and put a hat on.
You post on your snapchat story
This phot of you in your bikini with the caption: summer days <3

 You head downstairs and walks past the boys and see Rafe staring at you Topper: where you off y/n: with the pogues today Topper: whatever I pick up my beach bag and head to the spot

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You head downstairs and walks past the boys and see Rafe staring at you
Topper: where you off
y/n: with the pogues today
Topper: whatever
I pick up my beach bag and head to the spot.

I walked to our usually spot and see everyone there but then i see JJ walking over to me

JJ: hi y/n you look good today
Y/n: thank you JJ so do you
He smiles then hugs me
JJ: come on lets go

We all get on the boat and play some loud music, i stand up dancing and singing as I'm a little bit tipsy , Sarah and Kiara both join me as the boys watch and laugh. John B say whilst getting up "is that Toppers boat?" , i turn around "yes it is" i say whilst sighing. They drive past us and i see Rafe he gives me a soft smile then shouts "looking good y/n" i just shout "thanks" then i sit down in between JJ and Pope who are high.

I take my top and shorts off and jump into the water, all the boys say "that was hot" i turn to them " so you all coming in or what" then all jump in and splash me then i feel someone pick me up it was JJ then he throws me back into the water and we all laugh.

God i miss JJ he was good to me.

*time skip*
It was getting late and we all got back on the boat and drove back to the marsh i get off but a hand grabs mine i turn round and its JJ.
JJ: look y/n i miss you and I'm really sorry for what i did so can you forgive me
Y/n: i forgive you
JJ: would you want to try again maybe?
I stand there thinking do i give him another go or stay friends i really dont know
JJ: y/n say something please
Y/n: yes we can give it another go JJ
He hugs me then kisses my forehead

We catch up with the others and tell them the news, everyone is happy and glad we are together again.
JohnB: do you all want to stay at mine tonight?
Everyone: yes of course
JohnB: i was thinking a party
Kiara: hell yes
Y/n: well I'm going home to get read for it then not staying in these
Sarah: come get ready at mine y/n and kie
Kie and y/n: okay

*time skip to sarahs*
We walk through the back door and see rose she smiles and hugs me and lets us go get ready for the party.

I chose a neon orange dress with silver heels ( i dont know if that matches )
Kiara chooses a red dress with red heels
Sarah chooses a blue dress with white heels
We do each other's hair and makeup then take photos.

You post this on your igLiked: kiaracarrera, Sarahcameron, johnb, 324 others Tagged: kiara and sarah Caption: never casual 💖Comments; Sarah Cameron: hot 🥵Kiara Carrera : damn girl you are hot!!John B: y/n hurry up we need drinks JJ Maybank: my g...

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You post this on your ig
Liked: kiaracarrera, Sarahcameron, johnb, 324 others
Tagged: kiara and sarah
Caption: never casual 💖
Sarah Cameron: hot 🥵
Kiara Carrera : damn girl you are hot!!
John B: y/n hurry up we need drinks
JJ Maybank: my girl
More comments

*time skip*
A/N: dont know what has happened to the writing!!

We arrive at John B's and start drinking and dancing i approach JJ and ask him to dance with me i was high and drunk but i wanted to stay with him tonight as I've missed him. We dance the night away and we end up kissing it felt nice to kiss his soft lips again after so long.

It got to 5am and i head to the sofa and see JJ sleeping i kiss his forehead then he grabs my arm and asks me to stay with him i agreed and he moved over so i could lie down next to him he warm breath breathing against my neck, his arms wrapped around my body I'm glad i had him back. I feel asleep straight away laying up on his naked body (only shirtless).

Rafe pov:
*after he sees you on the boat he heads to Toppers and stays the night*
Seeing y/n in that bikini today turned me on so much she always looks hot and her tan and her body is just perfect and the way her hair blows in the wind, her laugh he smile makes me happy and i feel lucky i am getting to know her.

I hear my phone ping and see y/n posted on instagram i click on it and see her in an orange dress and she looks great but wonder where she was going i click the comments and see JJ put my girl my blood is boiling are they back together i need to find out.

I ring and ring y/n no answer i text her 20 times no answer i go out and search for he no where to be seen i head back to Toppers and just lay wide awake all night wondering if i was just to distract her from JJ but she seems to of liked spending time with me i dont get it.

I finally fell asleep  thinking about y/n and the dead body what if she saw that and that's why she back with JJ god i dont know man.

I check the time 10am and still nothing from y/n i get up and head back home and there i see my dad he comes up to me asking me if i want to go on a little trip with him i say yes it might get my mind off y/n.
Ward: we are going for a few days why dont you ask y/n to come?
Rafe: she is busy because I haven't seen her for a bit
Ward: okay it dm lets go then son I've already packed you some clothes
Rafe: thanks dad

We head to the runway and get on the private jet. The jet ride was peacefully and i still couldn't get my mind off y/n i go on my phone and look at the photos we took. I shed a tear but quickly wipe it away and we land in on an island. It was nice the hot sun and the blue ocean splashing against the sand it felt nice to be away from outer banks for a while.

Not Bahamas yet that is soon i promise i need them to find the gold then go from there
Btw you will find out who the dead body is soon

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