Chapter 20

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Y/N pov:
Walking to the beach to meet Rafe made me nervous as why at 3am and where we had sex. I walked to the 6'4 dirty blonde boy and he smiled at me. "I'm here so why did you want to meet" i say crossing my arms, "I'm so sorry y/n for what i did my dad made me do it" he says breaking into tears, i hugged him and we dropped to the floor still holding each other.

We stayed like this for a few more minutes then he says whipping his tears "i love you y/n but you're not mine and i cant go through this alone, i think you are the one for me and when you look at me I've never felt so happy and I've never felt so alive and free" he says breaking the hug. "Rafe you know I'm with JJ i know you screwed up but you disappeared for a year and it broke me so i moved on" i say almost crying.

"I disappeared because of what i did I'm so sorry for everything y/n i thought about you all the time and seeing you blocked me broke me as i couldn't see your pretty face anymore and did you really use me that day we fucked when i visited you?" He says looking down "hey rafe i said that because i was angry at you for what you did but no i didn't use you I'm sorry if i hurt you when i said that" i say looking at him.

He just holds me tight and doesn't move for awhile I didn't want anything more with him so i tell him we should head back home he agrees and walks me back home "Rafe I'm not afraid of the dark" i say walking in front quickly walking home because it is freezing "bye y/n thank you for tonight" he says "your welcome" i say whilst carrying on walking to my house.

I get in and couldnt stop thinking of what Rafe said that he loves me and he feels happy, alive and free when i look at him. All night i was tossing and turning thinking if i chose the right boy but both are bad as each other but Rafe worse.

I finally fell asleep in the clothes i went out in.

*few days later*
Y/N pov:
I'm out in OBX and I haven't seen Rafe since that night, i haven't see any of the pogues in a few days i stayed in for a few days and only went out to go to work and college and still not heard from John B or Sarah and i just want to know if they are okay.

I get ready for college and meets JJ,Kie and Pope there, we all have History together then Pope gets asked to set out of class as someone is here to talk to him he steps out worried but walks back in really happy "dude what was that about" JJ says Pope reads the letter out and tells us someone can clean John B's name and Pope needs to go Charleston to get it. We all agree to go and skip college and go to pope's to get his dad's truck and we start driving to Charleston straight away.

The car ran out of fuel half way so we had to find a gas station to fill it up it took most of the night and JJ and i was talking for awhile and saying how cute Kie and Pope are and that he is glad he isn't like he use to be and he loves me "do you promise you will stay with me" he says i smile at him "i promise and i love you" i say "you actually love me don't you" he says softly "always and forever JJ" i say and he kisses me.

We get in the truck and drives to Charleston , after hours of driving me arrive at the house Pope goes in and runs for his life we all run after him getting onto this cart then we bump into John B and Sarah and they get on and we all hug whilst JJ is peddling as fast as he can to get away. We get away and all reunite "Rafe is in the Bahamas" Sarah says showing me "what!" I say confused "he is in the Bahamas right now with the gold we lost it again" John B says.

That's where he has been for days and I haven't seen him around we get on the boat and head back to OBX and Pope tells us on the boat ride about this key and the cross and that they are looking for it and we need to find it asap  before them. Everyone agrees to help but me who is bust with work and i cant miss anymore shifts and they says its fine. We arrive back in obx and all head home and i fall straight asleep as I've got work tomorrow.

A/N: the stuff in bold is for you to remember for later chapters so remember them

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