Chapter 22

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Rafe Pov:
I wake up first and see y/n still sleeping holding me and seeing her black lingerie on the floor, she moves a bit then wakes up looking at me "good morning beautiful" i say whilst grabbing a brush to do her hair as she has work soon. She smiles at me and i see the way she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes looking at me like she is so in love with me, i let her get ready for work whilst i go make her some breakfast. I go downstairs and see Wheezie "have fun last night?| she says laughing with rose "what Wheezie!" I say pretending nothing happened "please we heard it all" Rose says "who is this girl then rafe?" Wheezie says staring at me "well you will like her i know that in fact love her but wait until she comes down" i say whilst walking up the stairs.

"Knock knock" i say walking in and she told me too a big smile appears on her face then i kiss her forehead and tell her to come down once she is finished and ill meet her down there waiting for Rose and Wheezie to see i finally have got y/n. After about 10 minutes y/n makes her way the stairs with the plate and cup "thank you rafe" she says walking into the kitchen seeing Rose, me and Wheezie sitting there.

Y/n puts the plate and cup in the dishwasher and then Rose goes "so y/n and rafe finally" i see y/n smiling "yes finally" i say laughing "so how was last night y/n?" Wheezie says laughing "they know" i say to y/n who is shocked "yeh and we can see the hickeys on you both" Rose says softly laughing. Y/n goes gets her stuff and i stay downstairs "you finally got the girl I'm happy for you rafe don't lose her because you are right i love her" Rose says smiling kissing my head before going off.

I take y/n to work then i head back home i see Rose talking to someone and I overhear something to do with the gold i hear the phone end then Rose shouts me in "we need the gold back or we are going to go broke" Rose says "what you mean where is the gold?" I say confused "i dont know rafe" i start getting mad that i shot Sheriff Peterkin, almost lost y/n to get this gold and we don't have it anymore "FUCKKKK" i say punching the wall. I walk out and head upstairs trying to calm down hen Wheezie comes in telling me to help her pack as we are going on a boat soon to a new island for awhile.

I pack as well but then I'm also leaving y/n i message her but no reply until later on which tells me she will miss me and hope it'd not long then i try beg Rose if y/n can come but she says she will see as they wants family trip really which I understand but i want my girlfriend to be with me. I go off to my room falling straight to sleep only thinking about y/n.

Work wasn't go bad today i was working with JJ and he seems to be okay with me and said everyone has missed me ad tells me to meet them tomorrow i agree as I've missed them too then my phone pings its from rafe
Rafe: I'm going away for while to an island with my family
Y/n: awww ill miss you rafe
Rafe: ill miss you too y/n

I turn my phone off then i walk back home with JJ to catch up, it was awkward at all and he tells me Pope and Kie broke up and Pope now has lost the cross and apparently the Camerons have it , John B still doesn't have the gold back and Sarah hasn't been home in a while and well JJ misses me being around and is sorry for lashing out and i forgive him he is my best friend and well my ex.

JJ walks me all the way home "JJ why did you pick me?" I say looking at him nervously scared what he is going to say "i picked you because you are the most down to earth person and the most sweetest person and i love you for it and also very pretty" he says smiling "even if our relationship ended i will always love you JJ" i say hugging him before i walk off into my house.

I go off upstairs and see Topper fast asleep i leave him to sleep and goes to get changed and falls asleep quickly as i had a long easy shift.

The Sun shining bright in my eyes making me go blind making me get up i check the time and its almost time to meet the pogues at our spot i grab a baby blue bikini and puts some black demin shorts on with a white crop top and some white trainers then heads to our spot. I see everyone and they all run up and hug me and smile they are glad I'm back. Sarah tells me her family is going away and she is going with.

We all hang out on the boat and i message Rafe all day as I'm not seeing him for a few days as I'm busy with work. We head back home and i say bye to everyone and i hug sarah as i wont see her for awhile then we all had home and i stay up for awhile to watch films with Topper until we fall asleep on the couch with the TV still on.

Rubbish chapter I know but it will get better and ill be adding other peoples pov's and this is only going to be 30 ish chapters but if you want another book please tell me

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