Chapter 23

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Seeing y/n yesterday was the best thing i know we broke up but it was nice to see her happy as well, I'm glad she met us yesterday after not seeing her in time. Today was going to be a rough day at work and y/n isn't working but texted the group chat that Topper is having a party before Rafe and his family leave but think its mainly for rafe. It was coming to y/n 18th birthday in the next few weeks and we wanna throw her a party as its her special day. I get ready for work then walks to the country club texting the pogues that its y/n birthday soon and they all agree to help throw a party.

I arrive at work 15 minutes early so i get everything set up the only best thing about today is the party as no one has thrown one in like forever because of what happened.

Work was easy today as it was pretty much dead i head back home to get cleaned up and gets ready for tonight, i wear some shirts and a blue polo shirt and some trainers then i do my hair then sets off to meet the others before we arrive at y/n's.

I meet Kie first then the others come and we all head to y/n we arrive and i forgot how big her house is as I haven't been here since our breakup we all search around the house for y/n but we don't see her so we all head to get a drink and there we see Topper and Rafe laughing and talking but still no y/n.

After a few minutes everyone's eyes go to the stairs and there i see y/n with a red short dress on with gold heels and her hair curly and her makeup done making her way towards us "y/n you look beautiful" i say smiling at her "thank you JJ you don't look so bad yourself" y/n says whilst getting a drink "yes you look stunning" everyone else says she smiles and compliments me.

Y/n walks over to Rafe and he kisses her and my heart sank because i miss her but she isn't mine anymore and i though she would never get with Rafe after everything. i brushed it off and thought that rafe is leaving in a few days time and y/n will hang around with us more as I've missed seeing her face.

Most of the night y/n stayed with rafe as i could tell rafe wont let her leave his side but she was getting annoyed and way to drunk that he holds her tight and she is fighting him but he doesn't let go. I walk over and tells her that Sarah needs her and Rafe lets her go she follows me "thank you JJ" y/n says almost breaking into tears "you are really drunk y/n" i say whilst keeping an eye on her, "I'm here to have fun now join me" she says smiling. We dance and drink the whole night and she stays with me and the pogues and i don't see Rafe so he must of gone home.

The party died down around 3am but we all stayed dancing and then y/n passes out on the couch and i leave her there and everyone crashes at y/n's for the night.

Sarah's POV:
I wake up really early today and see that Rose is worried so i head home messaging them. I go home and Rose is glad im okay and tells me to finish packing as we are leaving tonight. "Why we leaving early?" I say confused "just get packing Sarah" Rose says picking up the phone.

I finish packing then head back to y/n's and see everyone is still passed out asleep so i make them all a glass of water and get some painkillers then heads upstairs to y/n's shower and there i see on her bed side table a photo of her and rafe all happy. I smile and glad she is happy but I've noticed the bruises on y/n and her wrist is all red and JJ told me what happened last night with Rafe and y/n and it made my blood boil that y/n didn't tell us what he was doing to her.

I head in the shower then gets ready and Kie wakes up and sees me "hey kie you good?" I say whilst getting some food "I'm fine thanks for water" kie says drinking it "no problem and I'm leaving tonight i need to wait for others to wake up" i say before kie hugs me " i will miss you girl" she says smiling "i will miss you too kie" hugging her.

Around 2pm everyone else is awake and are all sad I'm leaving tonight but I couldn't help it everyone cleaned themselves up and went home and i went home with them to make sure I've got everything before i leave.

I get home and see Rafe "so you and y/n" i say walking towards him "don't wanna speak about her now" he says angrily "why do you hurt her" i say crossing my arms "I've seen the bruises all over her rafe" i say angrily "I'm sorry okay i cant hold my temper in" rafe says "don't sorry me you are hurting her Rafe" i say walking away from him.

i take my suitcase downstairs and we head to the boat and all get on then my dad comes in the room trying to hug me
Sarah: get away from me
Ward: sweetheart its me
Sarah: you died
Ward: i did that to clear Rafe's name
Sarah: i cared that you died after everything you have done i wanna go home to John B and the others now
Ward: i actually so John B before this boat left and i gave him the cross and he took it and was happy with it and left
Sarah: really?
Ward: believe me sarah
Sarah: whatever
I sit back down and Wheezie comes in then walks back out leaving the door open so i made a run for it and runs to find a radio but i get caught and then i see the cross and gets mad that my dad lied to me.

I walk around the boat trying to hide but Ward finds me and tries to kill me...

Will put y/n pov in next chapter
This is so bad

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