**Chapter 13**

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I walked out to my Jeep and jumped into the driver's seat. Cash already had it started up for the radio and A/C.

"Sorry I took so long. He had to talk to me about some assignment," I said, hoping he'd believe my lie.

"It's fine. So... where are we going?"

"I don't know. Where do you wanna go?"

"Umm.... we can go to your house?"

"Okay, sure."

~*~ ~*~

We walked into my house and threw our bags down on the floor. I started walking toward the kitchen when I heard a noise upstairs. I turned around to see Cash standing there, looking up like he'd heard it, too.

I started walking up the stairs, bit Cash caught my arm and shook his head at me. He walked up the stairs ahead of me and stopped at me open bedroom door. I could've sworn I'd closed that this morning.

I walked up beside him amd looked.through the door. There, in the center of my room, stood no other than the bitch herself. My mom. Or, scratch that, 'mom'. She doesn't even deserve to be called a mom.

She finally turned and looked at Cash and I. She smiled one of her fake smiles and started walking towards me with her arms open for a hug. I immediately moved out of her reach and watched her stand there, dumbfounded.

"Brandi? What's the matter? Don't you want to give your mother a hug," she asked. Damn, I hated her. She made it quite clear that she and my dad didn't want me in their lives when she said they never really loved me. I never heard my dad say it, so it could all just be my mom. I don't know.

"No, I most definitely do not want a hug from a cold, heartless bitch like you."

She gasped, looking slightly taken aback. I smirked. "Brandi! You will not talk to your mother that way!"

I snorted. "Mother? So, that's what you still call yourself? Ha! You're not even that! How could you possibly be my mother when you made it quite clear that you didn't love me by coming to my school and telling me and the whole entire school that I'm not your daughter anymore?! I never heard dad say anything to me like that, so I'm guessing it's all you! Well, guess what? You can get your fat ass and whatever shit you manage to carry around, and get the fuck out of my house!"

"Excuse me, but who's house is this? I'm pretty sure it's mine and your father's! Who pays the bills here?!"

"Actually, that would be me! I pay the bills here mom! And it's not your house anymore considering dad gave it to me! Yeah, that's right! Dad gave it to me! I know dad still loves me and always has! Unlike you! You're just a selfish bitch who cares too much about her fucking appearance!" I was breathing deeply from screaming at her so much. She just stood there, staring at ne with her jaw on the floor. "What are you waiting for?! Get the fuck out of my house!"

She picked up her purse and walked past me amd Cash. I looked over to him and saw he was just staring at me with wide eyes. After a moment, he finally got the message and followed my mom downstairs. I leaned against the wall and fell down to the floor.

"Okay, she's gone," Cash said, walking back up the stairs to me. I got up and walked over to him and into his open arms.

Now to tell him the hard stuff.

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