**Chapter 12**

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After a few moments of awkward silence, Mr. Wood finally spoke up.

"So... umm... I wanted to talk about what happened last night," he started. "W-why didn't you tell me you were.. u-underage?"

"First of all, I'm not underage. I'm 18. Second of all, you never asked me how old I was, so I jist didn't think it mattered."

"Oh, well, when you're drunk, you don't really think to ask someone about there age."

"Yeah, true. Also, if you're drunk, you don't think about telling someone your age. Damn, what was I supposed to say? 'By the way, I'm 18 and still in high school'?"

He chuckled. "No, I guess not," he said. "I just wish I could tell you that a lot of what happened last night wasn't just the alcohol, but ai don't think you'd believe me."

I froze. Is he seriously telling me that he didn't do all of that just because of the alcohol? He did it willingly? What? "A-are you serious?"

"Yes. Completely serious. I just thought you were so beautiful. Still do. When I first saw you walk into the club, I knew I just had to talk to you. I wasn't even drinking when I went to talk to you."

I looked straight into his eyes, trying to find anything that might tell me that he was lying. I couldn't find anything. He was telling the honest truth. He really did do all of it willingly. But why?

"Brandi, please. Say something," he begged, desperation dripping in his voice.

"I... umm... wow. I mean, I believe you. Ever since I woke up next to you this morning, I haven't been able fo get you out of my head. I've been thinking about you all day when I found out that hoh were my teacher. Happy even to find out who yoh were. I just never talked to you about it because I thought you might feel like I was some teenage bitch who could've costed you your job for not telling you my real age and that I was still in high school."

"Brandi, don't say that. I could never think you were some teenage bitch or anything like that, I promise. And you couldn't have known I was gonna be your teacher amd I wouldn't have lost my job because it happened over the summer and you're not underage. There's also no way I could've known you were a high school student because you don't really run into many high schoolers at a club." I chuckled a little at the end.

"Why were you at the club anyway," I asked.

"Oh, my friends took me out for my birthday. Why were you at a club?"

"Oh... umm.. my friends and I wanted to get our minds off of school today." Speaking of friends, I just remembered that Cash is out in my Jeep waiting for me! "Umm.. Mr. Wood, I-"

"Call me Chandler outside of class. Mr. Wood makes me feel old."

"Okay. Chandler, I gotta go. Cash is waiting for me outside, so.. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, no problem. Bye."


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