**Chapter 20**

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We were in Mr. Wood's car, an awkward silence between both of us. When we got onto my street, I showed hin which house was mine and he pulled into the driveway.

"Wanna come in for a drink or something," I asked. It was the least I could do. I mean, he did help me in the hospital and drive me home. I looked over at him and saw his eyes fixed on me.

"Uhh... Yeah, sure. Thanks."

I nodded and we both got out of the car. I got my keys out of my jacket pocket amd unlocked the door. Before opening the door and stepping in, I turned to Mr. Wood.

"Umm... the house is sort of a mess, so just try to ignore the piles of crap laying around, okay?"

He smiled at me and chuckled. "Yeah, okay. No problem."

I then opened the door and stepped in, Mr. Wood following closely behind. We reached the kitchen and he sat down at the table. I started rummaging through the fridge and cabinets to see what I had to drink.

"Do you want coffee or hot chocolate or soda?"

"Coffee sounds good."

"Okay, coffee it is, then."

I put the water into the coffee maker and got out two mugs. When the water was ready, I poured it into the mugs and stirred in the coffee grinds.

"Do you want any sugar or milk?" I lokked over at him as he did the same.

"No thanks. I drink mine black."

I nodded and took his mug over to him. I set it on the table in front of him and went back to fixing mine. I then sat down in the chair across from him with my coffee.

"So... umm... I was wondering if we could talk about what happened at the club," he said. I looked up from my coffee and found him staring at me intently. Weird part is... It wasn't really uncomfortable.

"What about it?"

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Well... I was really wondering if you'd like to go out some time?"

Did he really just ask me that? What could I possibly say to that? He's my teacher and he's asking me ou- Wait... HE'S MY TEACHER!!!!

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