**Chapter 19**

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First thing I saw, my father. Laying on a hospital bed. Staring straight at me. I hesitated before walking over to him. He smiled at me like a father smiles at his little girl. It made me feel all warm inside knowing that my father still loved me, even if my mother didn't.

"Hi daddy. How are you feeling?" His smile grew wider at the sound of me calling him 'daddy' like I did when I was little.

"I'm doing just fine sweetie. How have you been?"

"Fine. Daddy, who did this to you?" My voice cracked a little and tears sprung to my eyes, but I managed to blink them away before they could fall.

"Honey, I don't want you to get angry, okay?"

"Daddy, if it was that bitch you call my mother, I'm gonna be angry." He stared at me for a while, knowing not to tell me to stop swearing. He knew me too well when it came to this.

"Yes. It was your mother." I knew it! I knew it was that bitch!

I shot up out of my seat and bolted out the door. Before I could reach the elevator, I felt an arm go around my waist. I was about to turn around and punch whoever it was in the face until I heard them whisper in my ear.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay. It's okay." They continued whispering soothing words into my ear until I calmed down enough for them to let me go. I turned around and saw Chandler standing there, confusion showing all over his face.

"What happened? What's wrong," he asked, concern seeping through his voice.

"I knew it! I knew it was her all along!" I couldn't help, but screan in frustration. People walking past me gave me weird looks, but I just ignored them.

"How did you find out it was her?"

"My dad remembered who it was that attacked him. I don't know how she managed to do it and I don't care about asking her about it 'cause right now I really just feel like kicking her ass!" I started to turn around, but he caught me and dragged me over to a bench and sat down with me on his lap. I layed my head on his shoulder and started crying. He runned his hand through my hair with one hand and rubbed my leg with his other while murmuring soothing words in my ear. For some reason, I was glad it was him and nof somebody else.

When I finally calmed down, I led him back to my father's room. We walked in and Derek was asking my dad some questions about the attack. Chandler and I sat in the only available seat, me sitting on Chandler's lap.

My dad looked over at us and raised an eyebrow at me. "Brandi, who's this?"

"Daddy, this is Chandler. Chandler this is my dad, David. Chandler's a friend of mine that I met over the summer." I looked over at Derek and gave him a facs that said 'if you say anything, you're dead'. He understood, which was good.

"Okay, well, I'm really tired. So, I'm gonna try to get some sleep."

I stood up and leaned down and kissed my dad's forehead. "Okay daddy. I'm gonna go home and get some rest, too. I have school in the morning."

Chandler stood up. "I'll drive you home." He turned towards my dad and said, "Sir, I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you. And call me David. Sir makes me feel old." We all chuckled.

"Will do, David. Well, Brandi, you ready to go?" I nodded.

Just as we were fixing to walk out the door, Derek stopped us. "Wait here. I gotta make sure you're mother's gone first. After what happened a few minutes ago, I can't let you around her."

We nodded and Derek went out to the elevator and went to the lobby. Chandler and I walked out into the hall, so my dad could get some rest.

"Hey, thanks for staying with me and putting up with me. Most people wouldn't do that unless it was Cash, but he would've still let me go down there and get one punch in." He chuckled and looked up at me.

"Bray, I'm not most people. I knew you were probably just doing it because you were angry and upset."

"Yeah, true." I looked down at the floor, then.someone came up to us and put a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly, but relaxed when I saw it was Derek.

"Everything's clear downstairs. You guys are free to go."

"Okay, cool. Thanks, Derek." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

We all walked over to the elevator and went down to the lobby.

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